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Crappy plates
Jun 3, 2002 by aaron

cky02 writes, "I recently bought the Soap Crowbars not even two months ago and the clerk at journeys told me that the Crowbars were pretty much the best shoe soap has made up to date. So bought them and I would practice on a rail that is about 4 inches in width I have here at home. But I started noticing my frontsides were slowing down. Not really mattering I continued to soap. I found a awesome hand rail that was pretty long and pretty high, me and my cousin waxed it, first day went great,despite having trouble because my soap's grinds were slow, also keep in mind he has slowbro plates. 2nd day i start to grind down the waxed hand rail and my plates just lock and stop and i fall and my knee and shin area just hit the rail! That really sux and i want to know what is up with my plates and i surely don't that to happen again. I need you advice Derek, do i get new plates or shoes? Remember, my shoes aren't that old."

aaron adds: Aaron writes: Well I may not be Derek, but I can help with this. Crowbars are great shoes so you should keep them and just buy some new plates, BBKs seem to be liked by all so get em dude.
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victor hittin a who gives a shit?
Dusty Ryder hittin a UFO on a ledge
Derek Brooks hittin a Royale
Bryndon with a frontside (about to jump from rail 1 to rail 2).
mark hittin a frontside at work