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Help Califonia now, preserve skating everywhere
Mar 14, 2002 by alexei

greg writes, "Skateboarders, regardless of age, or size, or ability have the opportunity to help skateboarding and preserve public skateparks throughout the United States. It's simple, all we need to do is send letters to a few California legislators. Well, a few thousand letters. Maybe a few hundred thousand letters. Why? There's a new law in California, SB 994, now being considered by California politicos, that will allow California cities to keep open the parks they've already built, and allow for hundreds more parks to built. SB 994 will guarantee public skateparks in California for the next five years, but only if we convince the legislators to approve SB 994 and send it to California's governor, Gray Davis. Even if you don't live in California this law will affect you if you're a skateboarder. If SB 994 is not approved, if California legislators don't feel it's important, then the public skateparks in California could be shut down and close as of January 1, 2003. If California's parks closed other states' insurance providers and politicians would surely wonder why, and then perhaps re-evaluate whether their public parks should remain open. California's liability law, SB 994, is important to every skateboader, inliner, soaper, or just park patron everywhere. Skateboarders can help skateboarding by writing letters to these few legislators, urging their support of the new law. It's not just skateboarders, Inliner's, Soaper's, Park Patron's, or the weird people you just see hanging around them. Write to, call, FAX, or e-mail California Governor Gray Davis today!

Governor Gray Davis

State Capitol Building

Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone: 916-445-2841

Fax: 916-445-4633


**I put the extra efort out to research this sub, so no one look at me as some weirdo researching new laws.**

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