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National FSW Weekend
Jun 4, 2002 by aaron

treiben writes, "I know this is short notice, but I wanted to let everyone know that this weekend is National FSW Weekend. Why is it a weekend instead of a day and why is it this weekend? It's a weekend because generally, most of us have that time off and free (and it's longer than just one day). Second, it's in June because school's out for many people and there are no holidays in June (except Father's Day). It's the second weekend because if it were the first, everyone would forget, and the third is Father's Day.

So now that you know, use this Saturday and Sunday as time to grind, soap, and freestyle walk! Now if we only had demos... Oh, and be sure to get lots of media!"

aaron adds: Go out and soap folk, and get some media, media is good, media keeps everybody happy and soaping... especially sick media, so go get juiced up and bust out some crazy grinds.
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Brett Dierker with a UFO
These guys kicked me out of the mall for soaping that day
Carter Bair soaping for the first time
Final Fantasy X hittin a Frontside
Alexei Tajzler and Kyle Lefler hittin a Synchronized Soaping