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Retards on a Golf Cart
Jun 22, 2002 by aaron

blacklabel_skaterz writes, "During FSW weekend, me and Matt/Treiben, were out filming, and these two dudes are driving towards us while matt is trying to grind this rail on top of a huge ledge. As soon as they see me point the camera at them they start telling us they stole it, and that they were gonna be on America's Most Wanted for stealing the golfcart. The guy driving it says something and then he drives the golfcart straight into a handrail! You can hear the thud and then they backup a bit then drive away. I thought those guys were so funny!

We have the Video Clip, If you guys want see it enough (by replying to the post) we may submit the clip here to Broox.com. Retards on a golfcart will spice up any day.


aaron adds: Aaron writes:Hahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha, LOL, LMAO, Lemme see the clip son.
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