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Soap Stuff
Apr 6, 2004 by derek

davidmac writes, "where do all these guys get soap shoe stuff like stickers and shirts as i have all over the internet for stuff.I saw the guys in the athens soap videos with stickers on rails and stuff and i saw the guys in the siannt louis demo with soap stickers on the car and most of them waering soap or heelys shirts"

please send me some info about this!and i would like to also ask how you get the solid grind shirts sent to the u.k etc

derek adds: Most of the people at the STL demo are on the Soap team. Plus, since it is a demo, they usually send us a lot of shirts, stickers, and all that to give out. I'm not sure if Soap is willing to send out stickers if you write them or not. The best way to find out would probably be to email them at info@soapshoes.net.

Apr 13, 2004 Gordy

Soap should put shirts on Inline Warehouse, like Heelys did. I got a Heelys one, but I am itching to get a Soap tee.

Apr 25, 2004 Tycho392

I e-mailed Soap about it, and they were nice enough to send me a couple shirts and an assload of stickers. So yeah, just try e-mailing 'em.

May 19, 2004 l3w1z

does anyone know if they'll post all the way the the uk?

May 28, 2004 Collin

i emailed soap and they sent me a shirt and a ton of stickers as well.

Jun 2, 2004 l3w1z

i e-mailed soap and they said to me to e-mail shiner since i live in the uk, but shiner havent responded yet
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