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SolidGrind Re-Release!
Mar 6, 2006 by broox

What up yall!? So, I decided to take this site back to it's roots and make it a flat out Soap Shoe site. It's dedicated to everything that's ever been related to the grind shoe scene. I even imported most of the old news from broox.com and even from brooksfsw!

Read on to find out everything that's new - there's a lot.

  • The biggest difference is that the site has gone back to it's roots - Soap Shoes
  • That said... it's sort of sad, but all the extreme sports stuff is gone. There are so many other sites out there more dedicated to those sports, I decided the experts should take care of them. (If you think I should build another site dedicated to one of those sports, let me know, I might, heh).
  • If I had higher quality versions of the photos, I uploaded them. So look again through the pics, there are a lot of nicer ones - plus the site now supports up to 800x600 pics!
  • The videos work! Haha. Not sure why I never finished that part of the site...
  • The videos are higher quality! I re-encoded all the videos to 500kbps wmv, so they're much better quality (except for cornell 1).
  • I added a print media section - There are a few nice articles about Soap Shoes out there, hopefully we can collect them and put them in our DB.
  • Added Shoe/Grindplate info/photos for every grind shoe ever made.
  • Associated everything with everything. Shoes to companies, to grindplates, to photos, etc.
  • You can comment on everything - photos, shoes, grindplates, videos, articles, print media.
  • Display 3 random photos on every page - instead of 1 feature pic, there are 3. This gives a lot more variety and reminds you to check out some of the cool/older pics.
  • Ported all the news from all the Soap Sites I've ran - except I lost the DB from brooksfsw. So sad. I managed to save some of the articles from archive.org though. :(
  • Added info on relevant people/companies in the Grind Shoe scene.
  • Made the forum nicer
  • Last but not least - everything should work a lot better and be a lot more solid.

    There are still a few things to get done like, mostly content/history, but I couldn't wait any longer - I had to get the site back up. Let me know if there's anything else I can do to make it better. And definitely tell me if anything is broken!

    Now let me go find my Soaps, pick up some buddies, and get some new media/have some more fun.
  • Comments

    Mar 6, 2006 broox

    also, i didn't have hi-res copies of all the pics. some of them even have the old SolidGrind.com stamp on them. if you have higher quality versions, be sure to send them to me!

    Mar 7, 2006 Mart

    New site looks hot Derek, you've done an awesome job

    Mar 7, 2006 AleX

    back online, excellent
    the site looks good derek, im sad to see all of the other sports go, but i understand the need for a solid, purely soapshoe site
    i think i may just go pick up a pair of shoes myself, i know a place that carries the heely/soapshoe combo shoe, whatever it may be called. runs up at around 180$ cdn though

    Mar 7, 2006 broox

    thanks, and you definitely should pick up a pair. at the very least, they're a lot of fun just to mess around on.

    plus i'm still waiting for someone with the talent to be able to pull off a combination of soaping/skateboarding.

    Mar 7, 2006 AleX

    that could be rough, although ive never owned soaps, ive worn them before, and its very very hard to handle a skateboard with them on
    i think the heely combo could be used though, rolling in and out of tricks?

    Mar 8, 2006 alexei

    yo, looking nice kid.

    Mar 8, 2006 mike

    Wow, havn't been around here in forever. The site looks sex.

    I rode my smoke scabs on my longboard until one ripped a 3" hole in the bottom. I kinda liked them because they were so worn down that when I fell, I slid not only on my slide gloves, but also on the plat of the shoe.

    Mar 8, 2006 bringitback

    AWESOME man! I've been commin to SolidGrind for a long time. When I got the email saying it was up again I was super excited, glad to see we're tryin to bring it back!

    Mar 8, 2006 lilwurz

    I like how the pic on the home page is of me man.

    Mar 8, 2006 broox

    yes sir, ha. also, you should call me or email me or something. i have no way of getting ahold of you anymore, heh.

    i'm having another st patrick's day party this year, haha.

    Mar 8, 2006 kiddisaster

    hah, i cant believe you updated the site.. too bad i forgot my old name/password.

    ps i cant post on the forum

    Mar 8, 2006 broox

    oh man, that is embarrassing. i forgot to add the part that lets people post new stuff on the forum, haha.

    Mar 8, 2006 Mitzi

    Hey, I'm brand new to this area of extreme sports, and i'm super excited to start practicing, only problem is i doubt theres anyone around here ( tri city area. greater toronto) that soaps, plus its cold here in canada. but hey, i discovered that ice on the railings makes it easier to grind in heels. i dont have soap shoes yet, but i still grind, running shoes stick to much though, so i grind in stilleto high heels. the notch between the ball and the heel catch the rail and the nylon lets you glide fast, plus it looks classy ^.~. hope ill get to know all you people, and if anyone wouldnt mind posting some tips for beginners... id be totally appreciative. - Vic

    Mar 9, 2006 Wesker

    Awesome work here Derek. Lime green ftw.

    Mar 9, 2006 Mart

    'Lime green ftw'


    Mar 9, 2006 AleX

    lime green ftw = lime green for the win

    and grinding in stilletto heels has got to be the gnarliest thing ive ever heard of

    Mar 9, 2006 broox

    for real, that is hardcore.

    Mar 9, 2006 Mart

    Man, that must be a bitch when trying to dismount

    Mar 9, 2006 Mitzi

    Thanks, but the only problem is i cant do any sidewalks, cuz i have no laces, i get wicked "rail burn" on the top of my foot, not to mention terrible speed and an uncomfortable "squeaking" sound. Hey does anyone know where i can buy saop shoes around here? near toronto ontario canada. ^.~
    - Vic

    Mar 9, 2006 Mitzi

    To Mart: it depends, landing on grass you kinda get stuck but cement - LEVEL cement is acctually very easy to land on , but rail to rail is tricky, I ussually end up doing a face plant, so i really need some acctuall soap shoes XD.

    Mar 9, 2006 Mart

    I'm finding it quite hard to believe that you're getting that tech in stilettos. I'd love to see pictures of this though, do you have a digicam?

    Mar 10, 2006 Louis

    haha. in stilletos!!!!???!!! thats totally nuts. im needin photographic evidence here, i gotta see this. may, if is tru i may just not bother getting any more soapshoes and paying ?50-100 when i can just get a 10 quid pair of shoes at the market..
    btw derek, very nice redesign.. has everyone been relieved of authoring duty? Im Free! FREE i tells ya *runs away into the distance shouting* !

    Mar 10, 2006 broox

    well actually you dont have admin because i havent wrote the admin system yet, haha.

    i was planning on giving it back to you once i got it done... unless you don't want it.

    Mar 10, 2006 Mitzi

    dont have a camera, but would disposable pics be ok, from a cardboard camera from the drugstore? its not like im getting much speed XD so i dont think itl;l be blurry. but yeah, its just really unbalanced, and makes just about any good tricks impossible. but sure, gimmi a few weeks and ill get some pics of my and my nylon blue stilletos, i attempted a cheese grater last night ( i live behind a church with a multi level parking lot, so lots 'o' steep kinked rails, it rained last night...i now know that rain is dangerous -.-'
    very slippery) so i ummm had a little accident, i dont think ill be grinding for a couple weeks, stilletos give NO ankle support and i would not recomend using them if you have proper shoes readily available Louis.

    Mar 11, 2006 Louis

    haha cool man. im happy to remain in my position, ruling over those who insult others , utter the names of other extreme sports, and other such like. .......yeah , dont worry vic i wont be imitating your antics any time soon, plus ive got soapshoe alreadys....any excuse to buy stilletos really....

    Mar 14, 2006 lilwurz

    Call me my number is 202-4854. Ive got so much stuff going on its Craaazy!!!
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