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Finally nailed hip hieght
Feb 11, 2007 by Slidey

Woo! I finally nailed hip hieght! (thanks to my friends being VERY supportive =P) tell me what you think guys.

I didn't have any wax so I didn't go very far, but I managed to get my balance right on the rail.

Also I got about £150 for a digi-cam, anyone got any suggestions?

Feb 11, 2007AnthoFlex

Nice one dude.

I think ur good to go to get a good Cam

Feb 12, 2007SonicSoaper

Sick man, just sick.

Feb 12, 2007gotnicerice

o.O how do u all jump so high and land on your grindplates? im really bad at soaping... anyone have suggestions for me on how i can train to learn to grind high rails like those?

Feb 12, 2007Slidey

Practice practice practice. It takes ages but eventually you get higher. Try to progress onto higher rails very slowly, so find rails that are an inch higher than the last one you were able to do, then an inch higher than that one. It gets easier the longer you soap

Feb 13, 2007SapAuthor

dude slidey, u got some good stuff on there, you should also consider going out for Team SOAP, that Slidey Video 1 thingy was sick man.

Feb 13, 2007SapAuthor

oh and for the digicam, look at the DXG products www.dxgusa.com <- 305v is 320x240 it's about 100 US dollars, or go for hte 505v which does 640x480. DXGs are tons of fun, a litlte bit of everything for not that much, they have their bugs but not bad at all, i love my DXG roadster

Feb 25, 2007Slidey

Thanx trev, I got the digi cam now and I've just joined the SSS. (or sent the email anyway)

Feb 26, 2007kobansora

DXG's are good, but I think that if you have 100 bucks, you can save up about 30 to 50 bucks more to get a more decent cam. I own a DXG 305v and damn, they are frail! My lense fell off the other day, so now the pictures aren't as bright as they used to be. They're a bit more saturated and darker..

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