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Feb 16, 2007 by Shadic

I got my pair yesterday and I was hoping to buy a PVC pipe to start practicing but where I live at, we cannot have anything like that lying in the yard or even possesing it. The only place that I can have the pipe at is at my father's place so I have been practicing on steps and curbs.

Feb 16, 2007shdook

where do you live? You could keep it in ur basement maybe

Feb 16, 2007Shadic

Nevermind. My mom thought it would be too big to put the pipe somewhere. I told her you can put it in any corner of the house or somewhere else like the closet. I just don't know the right size to get for the shoes. I have a size 13 clean black soaps so I need to know how many inches to get it.

Feb 19, 2007SSAndroid

about 10 feet is fine shadic, w/e u want

and where the heck do u live???? like one of those places where all the houses are the same???

well what if u only put it out there when u were using it and hid it otherwise?

or back yard?

Feb 19, 2007shdook

It doesnt matter what size shoe you have, just get about the average size you think is right. Oh yeah, I dont think you will be able to fit it in ur closet.

Feb 26, 2007Shadic

Yeah. I live in one of those places where all the houses are the same. I was talking to my mom about hiding the pipe somewhere but she keeps telling me no. They would kick us out of the house for just possesing it.

Feb 26, 2007shdook

You lived in a pretty fucked up place then.

Feb 26, 2007Shadic

You have no idea. I was trying to ask my mom if I could talk to the manager or owner of the houses if I could use the pipe for that purpose only. She just doesn't want me to have the pipe at all. Just the shoes.

Feb 26, 2007kobansora

Oh man, if you can't order any new plates, I would advise to not use your plates on curbs or concrete ledges if your plates aren't curb busters...

I un-grooved my new plates in ONE WEEK.

Oh gawsh :O Just find a skate park or something... Or something that ISN'T concrete. OR, if you're confident enough, tackle a hand rail. OR, buy a table :P I grinded on a school desk, so yeah.


Feb 27, 2007Shadic

I live in a small town you know. No skateparks

Feb 27, 2007kobansora

Then find some benches and stuff or something.


Feb 27, 2007Shadic

I tried to grind one of those seat-like benches in the locker room and I wound up falling on my butt. I made it on time one way but when I tried to go at it from another way, I fell. It didn't hurt. Just felt weird trying to grind it from one foot to another.

Feb 27, 2007vmn551

just make sure you have your legs kinda spread apart, i didnt do that at first and it really helps for distance and balance.

Feb 27, 2007Shadic

How am I supposed to get on the bench anyway? Do I try to jump on it with both feet and grind or hop up with one leg and let the other follow? This has really confused me in the past. I just want to know the right way.

Feb 27, 2007kobansora

Front foot first to get more momentum; Or back foot first to get more control.

Practice locking on first. When you do that, jump up with either front or back foot first and then put the other leg in a position where your legs are about shoulder width apart.


Feb 28, 2007Shadic

I can lock on, its just I couldn't decide which foot was the right way to get on it. I might try the hand rail in the gym that leads to the locker room next time. I just hope I won't lose anything else. (Other than my nuts ohhh.) I might try it today seeing that I am in school right now.
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