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Punching Spammers In Their Faces
Feb 19, 2007 by broox

As you guys have noticed here on SolidGrind, spam is getting seriously out of hand these days. It's not just here, comment spam is becoming a huge problem for many sites.

So.... I'm in the process of upgrading our nearly non-existent spam protection to try to stop this mess. Basically, I'm plugging into the same spam filtering API that new versions of wordpress blog systems use.

....So it should be pretty damn good.

And for added spammer protection, I'm also working on some banned user functionality...

Punches to your eyes!

Feb 19, 2007Go2Crew

Alright, Derek. Kill'em.

Feb 19, 2007RamenRadio

Hey, Derek logged in again. Well welcome back. Thanks Derek

Feb 19, 2007broox

aaand, the forum is now plugged into akismet.
sorry if anything broke for you guys while i was upgrading it.

have yall noticed any spam comments happening on any photos and/or articles? or has it been primarily a forum thing?

Feb 19, 2007Slidey

I don't remeber seeing any spam on photos, maybe it might have happend once or twice but I dont recall. Anyway thanks for updatin the forum =D

Feb 19, 2007AnthoFlex

Yea, way to get em dude!

No picture spam....except for the retarded fight that included about 45+ comments consisting of Kile, Ramenradio, and Matrix

it was on one of Mart's pictures

Feb 19, 2007matrix8967

heh, yeah, that was a pretty good fight. I didn't have a MAJOR part in it, but it was like, chaos squared man. i copy and pasted it before it was deleted. i didn't mean to start it, but damn, it was like firecrackers in gasoline. it was one of the funniest things i'd ever read. anyway, thanks for getting rid of the spammers.


Feb 19, 2007SonicSoaper

It was uber funny. XD Yeah, there's only been spam on the forums.

Feb 19, 2007SapAuthor

I want to know what Derek thinks of all of the things going on, SOAPs being sold again, Demos starting up, upcoming new team SOAP, etc.

Feb 20, 2007SonicSoaper

Upcoming new Team Soap? That part I'm not exactly sure about.

Feb 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Im sure about it. Team Soap is coming back with new members.

and this demo will be the rebirth

Feb 20, 2007SonicSoaper

Then I better get better fast. I never did this to be famous or rich but going pro would help with the whole lack of shoes thing.

Feb 20, 2007RamenRadio

YAY, it all got deleted. Thanks Derek.

Feb 20, 2007RamenRadio

Whoops, u guys kind of missed a spot in the goas section where we somehow able to bring the fight in there. Once again, sorry about that stuff everyone.
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