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pic uploads
Feb 24, 2007 by ordnanceflint91

how long does it normally take when u submit a pic to know if it will get accepted? i submitted 2 pics. one of a really tweaked ufo and the other of a frontside to cheesegrater switch up

Feb 24, 2007Slidey

They don't tell you if it gets accepted or rejected. Usually when you do your best stuff or take a really good lookin pic then they accept it. When broox signs in he has to allow the pics 1st b4 it gets reviewed, so u shud wait untill he next signs in
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Derek Brooks hittin a Wheelbarrow with the T-bones
Alexei Tajzler hittin a Sidewalk
Herr Blunt hittin a Frontside
Mark Pooley hittin a Frontside at Cornell
Aaron Huebner sliding royale for Bryndon