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soaps have just been ordered
Mar 15, 2007 by Tank

i just sent my soap order to steve i just wanted to say thanks to you guys for telling me were to go peace.

Mar 15, 2007kobansora

Coulda just replied to the past thread lol.


Mar 28, 2007Surfaced

Anytime. I hope you enjoy them. Did you buy the Ordnance or Express?

Mar 28, 2007Tank

express and they are awesome

Mar 28, 2007kobansora

Ooo coolw hat color? I'm thinking about getting grey in April... Which is just around the cornerrrr!


Mar 28, 2007AnthoFlex

u really should....Express fucking rock

Mar 28, 2007kobansora

No, I WILL order them lol. I can't wait... I just am stuck between white or grey. I mean, the blue accent on the grey will match my blue clothes, but my clothes are normally very light colored so the white COULD go with it, but I could wear the sylons with that. Sorry haha, I am very uh... matching clothes oriented when deciding on what to buy. I think if I bought expresses, my Sylons would sit in a corner for a while because they're especially heavy.


Mar 28, 2007Surfaced

Grey is neutral, so it works with everything.

Mar 28, 2007kobansora

Yeah thought so... So does black, but meh lol.


Mar 28, 2007SapAuthor

I had Greys, although i'll tell you, we sell twice as many black as we do white or grey. I think people really like hte blacks cuz you can't really get them dirty lol

Mar 28, 2007kobansora

But I have nothing to go with black :/

Greys are the way to go :P


Mar 28, 2007Slidey

I gotta agree with Renny, the Express are probably the best shoes I have ever worn (luxury footwear =] lol).
But... they are not as light or as stylish as my Chaos =P

Mar 28, 2007Tank

i got the grey ones, and man i forgot how fast new soaps slide since i havent done it in a few years but its great.

Mar 28, 2007Tank

i got the grey ones, and man i forgot how fast new soaps slide since i havent done it in a few years but its great.

Mar 28, 2007Tank

i got the grey ones, and man i forgot how fast new soaps slide since i havent done it in a few years but its great.

Mar 28, 2007Tank

sorry bout that didnt think it was loading

Mar 28, 2007OT

Express > Ordnance?

Mar 28, 2007Slidey

hmm, duno about that. They both have thier own good quailtys

Mar 28, 2007SapAuthor

Express are lighter, and available in all sizes right now (in production), plate has channel V lock.

Ordnance are heavier, but feature replacable plates, and we only have a copule size 10 left.

Mar 28, 2007Mart

Ordnance look far more old skool. The main issue I have with HSL Soaps is the styling; they just look like Heelys without wheels (in some cases they actually are) and, personally, I think the vast majority of Heely designs look revolting

Mar 28, 2007SapAuthor

well mart, remember hteir market is for little kids, who want something htat looks 'cool' not stylin.

Mar 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Yea, im with Mart on the Heelys looks....

The ONLY HSL Soapshoes i like (the way they look) are:

Express, Scam, A-side

Apr 5, 2007SonicSoaper

Mmmm, A-Side. *drools*
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