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soap keys
Mar 17, 2007 by matrix8967

ok, so i've had a few soap keys in my day...but none like my first. all the other soap key's i've seen have said "soap" on both sides...but my soap key says "soap" on one side and the other side is upside down and it says "deos" (like the team logo) am i the only one, or what? does anyone else have "deos" keys?


Mar 17, 2007AnthoFlex

umm...letme check my keys

Mar 17, 2007AnthoFlex

one of them is normal, and the other says UHF on both sides, not SOAP

Mar 17, 2007matrix8967

yeah, i have a UHF key too...but i'm gonna upload a pic monday of my key...it's really weird...


Mar 17, 2007Surfaced

i only have one... its a cartoon-like rocket with the Soap "O" on both sides.

Mar 17, 2007sam

I don't think they purposely put DEOS on it.

Mar 17, 2007DaSholZ

I have that key too. I didn't notice the DEOS before though.

Mar 17, 2007sam

Seeing as soap is deos upside down, they probably put soap upside down on one side and right side up on the other. The purpose for that I do not know, but on keys at my school they have SHMS upside down on one side and right side up on the other side.

Mar 17, 2007matrix8967

no that's it, it's the soap logo upside down and it says deos...because that's the soap logo upside down. like they didn't flip the mold or something. i was wondering if i just had one of a small generation of keys, or a one of a kind key. Surfaced, put a pic of that on here, i wanna see it. it sounds interesting. I'll post a pic of mine on here monday.


Mar 18, 2007SonicSoaper

Not to mention those kickass Delaware kids got lucky with their team name. I understand the Delaware(DE) but outcast(O)? What's that? As far as Soapers(S), that's what they are. And yes Renny, I know I'm almost copying the convo we had way back when.

Mar 18, 2007matrix8967

yeah, thats what mine looked like. i thought they got thier name from the key, but i started to realize...i'm the only one with that key...i got them on my ordnance from steve. anyone else order those and get an upside down soap logo on one side. my scabs, my cleans, and my UHF keys all have the same logo on both sides


Mar 18, 2007AnthoFlex

.....? when? i didnt say that

Mar 18, 2007SonicSoaper

Don;t worry about it. It was waaaaaaay back when.

Mar 18, 2007AnthoFlex


Mar 19, 2007matrix8967

http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i231/matrix8967/soap%20pics/CIMG0678.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">

that's my key next to one of my other keys (now that my friend lost HIS key, the normal key is his now)


Mar 19, 2007pepsi

woah...that looks wierd ;x

Mar 19, 2007Surfaced

I have a picture of my key in this album:


It's the rocket key.

Mar 19, 2007matrix8967

holy fuckin hell. thats amazing.

Mar 19, 2007Slidey

Woah Surfaced, You seem to have quite a lot of rare Soap stuff.
Did you work for Soap at any time?

Mar 19, 2007Surfaced

No. I wish.

Mar 19, 2007matrix8967

man, i'd straight up kill for some of those. I'd put the laughter back in manslaughter for some of those.


Mar 19, 2007matrix8967

shit, i was talking about crowbars. (the spam thing filtered me out, so i had to re-type and i forgot to say i was talking about crowbars)


Mar 19, 2007James


Mar 19, 2007matrix8967

lol what? cigarettes?

Mar 19, 2007SapAuthor

My key is like the SOAP DEOS, but just SOAP on both sides, guess i got hte normal one, but surface' looks the best, it's sweeeet

Mar 20, 2007matrix8967

yeah, surface, you get soap A+ for having cool soap stuff. I just got my soap shirt in the mail today...and on the tag it says "for best use, machine wash, don't bleed, grind fast."

so does ANYONE have my deos key? if not, i'll feel so special.


Mar 20, 2007matrix8967

also, james, why are you making the gay comments. i mean, if ur gay, good for you, i don't care, but this is about soaps and heelys...(mainly soaps, we're biased) but..uh...yeah...


Mar 20, 2007SonicSoaper

I think he's talking about cigarettes.

Mar 20, 2007matrix8967

yeah, but he left alot of comments on pics...but, like i said, i dont care who puts their dick in who lol. gay marriage is awesome, because the divorces on divorce court will be AWESOME! lol.

Mar 20, 2007ordnanceflint91

i have one of the soap deos keys aswell

Mar 20, 2007matrix8967

awesome, so if i kill you, i'll have the only one. jk. well...mystery solved, i guess we just have a rare generation of keys. or just some mis-prints...who knows...


Mar 20, 2007Kile

wow matrix wtf is up gay marriage is awesome is something wrong with ur head gay people suck they can burn in hell

Mar 20, 2007Surfaced

If you read his entire post, he said gay marriage is awesome because the divorce cases would be hysterical (I think he meant hysterical).

Mar 20, 2007sam

That's the key I gave my brother to his goas! I never even realized that untill now.

Mar 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Kyle, dunt bring none of that political, economic Republican personal stuff of urs here...ok?

Mar 20, 2007matrix8967

i like gay rights. gay people are people too, we're all human....but this isn't about my views on that, this is about soap keys. and what key did you mean, like the rocket key! you fool! lol, jk.


Mar 20, 2007sam

no the soap key that you showed

Mar 28, 2007Surfaced

Well now, knowing that my key isn't too average, I won't use it for normal grindplate removal. I guess I'll buy a standard key.
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