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make the freakin squeakin stop
Nov 13, 2003 by C.Strife

OMG!!! how can i make my soaps stop squeaking? also whats a good site to buy good soaps? im looking to get a new pair for xmas. ^.^ im also going to get a digital camera so ima try and post some media =D

Nov 13, 2003Smokey

my vectors squeaked a lot when I first got them... But it goes away.

Nov 14, 2003Detreaux

I just let my friend have my old cleans, and they just started squeeking for him. I have no idea why, but they never did for me.

Nov 14, 2003mike

you got the bottom of your shoes wet and have them torqued kinda sidways so the rubber rubs on whatever you are grinding, thats the only reason that they ever squeaked for me

Nov 14, 2003Mart

Either that or the plates are old... if you ever saw Sloppy Seconds, David Dobyns' plates were slow as hell and squeaked tothemaxx. Same applied to Fordy's shoes

Nov 14, 2003aaron

i call it the "wet rubber" effect, and it happens with all new shoes when they're wet or moist (on the grips when you walk)... also if your plates are worn down and the rail is kinda wet (like in sloppy seconds) the rubber on the inside of the shoes will cause the 'wet rubber' effect.... the 3rd way soaps every squeak is when they're new sometimes the screwn/spring deely squeeks when you walk (even if its a hot, dry day)... but it goes away after a while so don't worry about it

Nov 18, 2003C.Strife

nah i mean like when im walking around. like doing day to day things

Nov 19, 2003aaron

yah, i had that too, it stops after a while, once the plate gets jammed up there... if it doesnt stop you can always check the screws on the grindplate and make sure their not in too tight or not tight enough

Nov 20, 2003Floptastic

it'l go away. just dont tighten the screws too tight, and try walking around in some dirt to get em nice n dirty under the plate, seems to help. or just grind the shit out of em one day, and it'l help too. but it will return, mine just started up again

Nov 21, 2003Mart

My Soaps have never squeaked. Ever

Nov 23, 2003Marc

My soaps have also never squeaked.. once.. But my friend's Grooves do when he goes for royales and tweaks back to far.. really annoying noise..

Dec 1, 2003fordy

mine squeeked and crunched. so i took them apart best i could and now i can't get the plates back in.

my adivce?

fucking live with it.
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