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Unsuspected Soapers
May 3, 2007 by rhinoskater30 Have you ever run in to someone while wearing and talking about Soap, and they're like, "Hey, I know Soap!" Just today, one of my good friends, that's kind of a jock, saw my Soaps at school, and was like, "Hey are those Soaps?" I was all, yeah. We then got into a long conversation about Soap. Turns out he thought he was one of the only people the knew about Soap. I asked what pair of shoes he had...by his description, they mighta been Cleans or Scabs. Replies
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May 3, 2007rhinoskater30
May 3, 2007fastslider
May 3, 2007kobansora
I was limbo-ing (video on youtube) and the kid holding the stick was like ZOMG HE'S LIMBOING WITH SOAPS!
May 3, 2007rhinoskater30
May 3, 2007AnthoFlex
"Hey!, Soapshoes! Kid with the Soapshoes! (i honestly thought he was just gonna bother me until...) KID WITH THE SCORCHERS!
i immediatly turned around and asked "How do you know the name of these shoes?"
"The Scorhcers? Dude, i used to Soap waaaay back then, you know how to grind and stuff?"
"Yea, (pointing to my Soap shirt)"
"Kool, kool bro, keep it alive, ok?" and he walked off.....
When i thought about it.....they guy looked a LOT like Bryndon smith... i HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt it was him though....but his girl...looked just like Bryndon's....
i dunno dude, it was a wierd day.
May 4, 2007SpiderSoaper
May 4, 2007SpiderSoaper
May 4, 2007Surfaced
May 4, 2007kobansora
Probably was lol. I mean, with words like that it sounds like one of those epic movie moments when the kid's hero passes him and tells him something and walks off into the sunset.
May 4, 2007AnthoFlex
May 4, 2007AnthoFlex
May 4, 2007kobansora
May 4, 2007rhinoskater30
May 4, 2007Mart
May 4, 2007AnthoFlex
May 4, 2007RamenRadio
May 4, 2007SonicSoaper
May 4, 2007Tasslehoff
May 4, 2007kobansora
It isn't easy when you hit rubber. It's harder to grind with Soaps than skates... Well for me that is. You don't hit rubber with skates if you're using an anti-rocker or freestyle set up, you just hit the grind plate with some insane lock on and you grind much faster than with Soaps. Grinding with Soaps requires some mad precision and skill because you could hit rubber and because you don't get as massive lock on as you do with skates. Aggressive skates I mean...
May 5, 2007SpiderSoaper
May 5, 2007SonicSoaper
May 5, 2007sam
May 5, 2007Mart
May 5, 2007Rynasty
May 5, 2007rhinoskater30
Any more stories?
May 5, 2007AnthoFlex
May 5, 2007AnthoFlex
May 6, 2007xJeremiahx
May 6, 2007SpiderSoaper
May 7, 2007matrix8967
May 8, 2007kobansora
Why would it be your job to hate bladers, Renny? It's not like they've done anything to you unless you have some personal problem with one. That's like saying white people should hate black people. Maybe we'll all get along one day just like we all do now in America... Sorta. Lol I didn't mean to flame you or anything, I just wanted to say something about that.
In my opinion, the real atheletes respect the other atheletes, and the intolerant ones are lamers because they know they can't do what the other ones do. I respect everybody until I have a reason to disrespect them, and that's what I live by.
May 8, 2007xJeremiahx
Agreed! I used to be young and dumb back when I was hating on bladers. I look back at myself then and think how stupid I was. I see now that everything has it's degree of dificulty. I can repect just about anyone that is out there having a good time and being themself.
May 9, 2007SonicSoaper
May 9, 2007AnthoFlex
May 9, 2007SonicSoaper
May 9, 2007kobansora
I think skateboarding is sick, but that isn't my style. Freeblading makes me feel more free... Like I can fly. I'm not joking lol.
May 19, 2007rhinoskater30
"Oh you got those shoes...Soap...I couldn't use them for crap."
May 22, 2007rhinoskater30
"Dude, you got Soaps!? Those things are tight."
He kept looking at them.
May 22, 2007Spano565
May 22, 2007RamenRadio
May 22, 2007SapAuthor
May 22, 2007rhinoskater30
May 29, 2007NYSoaper1763
May 29, 2007NYSoaper1763
May 29, 2007NYSoaper1763
May 29, 2007NYSoaper1763
May 29, 2007xJeremiahx
May 31, 2007Hutch
May 31, 2007Hutch