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just a thought
Jun 10, 2007 by adamblock

I was watching that "Heely's Can Flow" video, and in the description the video post-ee said that Heely's can flow. It sort of got me thinking:

Can Soaps Flow?

Obviously, everyone on this site would probably say yes. But consider some ideas before you jump to the gun.

The Soap shoe is intended for grinding. And the people who participate in this site can grind well. However, its like all that we see. Which is good, because it is a grind shoe. But it doesn't really seem like Soaps and the Soapers flow very well. Take a look at some (well most. well, all) of the videos that have been posted, and you'll see a similarity between them. None of the people are flowing very well. It just seems like the soaper will jump onto the rail, incorporate a grind trick, and then patter off. Done...it seems sort of lacking....

I mean when i think of soap shoes, I think of Sonic, like everyone I'll bet. But not soley the grinding aspect of what he does. I think that the SOAP lifestyle should incorporate more themes of freestyle walking/Parkour. We should be able to incorporate the landscape, and then focusing on the rails as well, but not just hitting up the rail over and over. Like, combo tricks, like in the Tony Hawk games! (ya know, collect the C-O-M-B-O letters? Ahh, nostalgia)

Well, whatever. I just wanted to get that out in the open. Feel free to agree, disagree, flame, hate, whatever. Just don't fuckin' argue with everyone, because that's what everyone seems to do on this site. lol.

Jun 10, 2007AnthoFlex

I can kinda see what you mean dude. But i wouldnt exactly say that Soaps doesnt have a "flow"

If you ever get your paws on oNe or tWo, it will probably make you wanna have sex with Soapshoes.

But since its VERY unlikely to get copies of those videos, just check out some of the old Holiday, Shag This, and Soap Slide videos

Jun 10, 2007AnthoFlex

oNe, tWo, Holiday, Shag This, Soap Slide, and the rest of the Relate videos (along with a lot of UKFSW and DEOS) have lots of "flows"

Flows that not even Heelys can fuck with. Can i get a hell yea here?

Jun 10, 2007AnthoFlex

oh, before i forget. My favorite Relate video of all "The Big O" has a LOT of good flows

Jun 10, 2007RamenRadio

Well said Renny.

And not everyone here argues, I don't know why you keep on saying that.

Jun 10, 2007RamenRadio

XD sorry, I forgot to say hell yeah

HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 10, 2007RamenRadio

And I'd say he should check out the holiday video out of all of them, that's one of my favs :D

Jun 10, 2007Slidey

I agree with you adamblock. When Soapers land they do tend to walk off normally, and there doesn't seem to be much flow apart from when they are on the rail.

But that is why I have added a lot of Parkour into my soaping and the overall result is usually unique and has a LOT of flow.

I'll try and record some examples today and I'll post them up tonight hopefully.

Jun 10, 2007Slidey

The only problem I find with combining them both is that Parkour can kind of... take over.

Seeing as Parkour/Free Running uses pretty much any type of obstacle you can come across (even trees) it is a lot easier to find places to do it.

On the other hand, if you learn Parkour your precision and hieght of jumps will become a lot better. And this rises confidence when jumping on to all types of rails.

An example of this is one time when I hadn't Soaped for a few weeks but I had been doing a lot of Parkour. I cam across this 8 stair vert rail that I had never been able to jump on because it is in such an awkward place (hard to explain how it is awkward).

I had vaulted on a few times but never jumped on so I took a few secs to catch my breath and get ready and I done it perfect, then I done it another 3-4 times before I kept going to where I was going.

Jun 10, 2007adamblock

cool i like how this is actually an intelligent discussion. lol

Jun 10, 2007adamblock

Jun 10, 2007rhinoskater30

soaps could flow IF u were able to switch back and forth between ur regular stance and switch stance while still grinding AND if there was a sole plate plus the freestyle walking

Jun 10, 2007RamenRadio


Jun 10, 2007Page645

trav dont do it

Jun 10, 2007Megashadow77

yeah man, eat some ice. It'll cool you down.

Jun 10, 2007sam

I love combining Parkour with soaping. You can do soooo much more stuff! One example is grind a rail to a wall and do a catleap back off the wall and regrind the rail backwards.

Jun 10, 2007RamenRadio

I'll keep my mouth shut for now.

Jun 11, 2007adamblock

no, dont keep your mouth shut. i enjoy opinions. say what you have to, regardless of who bitches at you for it.

Jun 11, 2007Page645

my bad trav what i meant to say was FIRE AT WILL!!!!!!!

Jun 11, 2007Megashadow77

*presses a red button*

Jun 11, 2007RamenRadio

Just never mind.....

Jun 11, 2007Megashadow77

Man, I can't do none of that parkour crap, You gotta be skinny and flexible as hell.

Jun 11, 2007sam

You dont have to be skinny and flexible to do all of it, just the places that you have to be smaller to fit through.

Jun 11, 2007Rynasty

Ok someone define what they mean by "flow" here because I'm really confused...

Jun 11, 2007AnthoFlex

These noobs are trying to make Flow seem like continuing of tricks.

I would like to be the first to say that there isnt really a "flow" in Heelys either. Soaps doesnt have a "flow"

What soaps DOES have are lines. Like Blading, and Sk8ing.

Lines are a series of tricks in one run.

Jun 11, 2007RamenRadio

Thanks Renny...
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