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Should i get Boltars or expresses for a starter soap shoe.
Jun 12, 2007 by Spano565

Because i might get boltars from www.bladeschool.com.au and i might get the expresses from the SSS shop (www.sonicandpals.com).Which shoe should i get.

Jun 12, 2007RamenRadio

I'd say boltars, but I don't think any of those UK sites are exactly good. The express is an okay shoe though, but just ask someone if they have used that site before, most (if not all) of those sites are rip offs and just take your money. it's disgusting.

A pair of express will do nicely if you can't get the boltars.

Jun 12, 2007AnthoFlex

Spano, not to flame you or anything, but is a new thread needed for every question you have?

Jun 12, 2007RamenRadio

I don't remember if we made a thread for all questions like this to go in one

Jun 12, 2007SapAuthor

Um, just a quick clariffication, .au is australia, not UK. That's .uk.co

Anyways, I <3 boltars, but express are a great beginner shoe due to the lock on express plate. Boltars have BBK which have pretty much no lock on (designed more, in my opinion to have more area to grind on).

Jun 12, 2007Spano565

Thanxs guys,ma bad Antho if i have other questions on soaps i'll make sure to search previous threads before i ask a question.

Jun 12, 2007RamenRadio

Sorry about that. But still most of those sites have proven to be useless and a rip off.
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