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soaps in the movie "Daredevil"
Jul 3, 2007 by vault

hey i was watching some tv and i flipped to HBO where i found the movie Daredevil and the part where he slides down this large rail from the rooftop to the ground. Im not sure if they used soap shoes caused i didn't get a good look at it, but it does seem likely they did. Dont be harsh it might just be a regular shoe... Ne way what im trying to say is SOAP shoes should hav gotten alot more advertising not just sonic 2 but maybe if it was incorporated into movies like daredevil for instance and maybe had a small cameo like a billboard of something it would have more popularity. What are your opinions?


Jul 3, 2007AnthoFlex

He didnt use Soapshoes, i've already looked into that

Jul 3, 2007DarkVermillion

Cool, I wouldn't know. XD But it's awsome that people actually notice things like that. XD

Jul 3, 2007broox

yeah, one of the original authors wrote an article about this back when daredevil came out... however it was apparently lost during one of the migrations.

Jul 3, 2007vault

ah i understand now =)

Jul 3, 2007RamenRadio

Are you into soap shoes vault?

Jul 3, 2007RamenRadio


Jul 3, 2007vault

hell yeah before i actually got mine i made some of my own lol
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