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PM System
Jul 8, 2007 by Megashadow77

I hate to bug Admins, and make Suggestions, but wouldn't you guys like to see a PM system? A lot of people have conversations that clutter up forum posts, and pic/shoe/plate comments. So, this would help people be able to communicate, and ask questions, easier and more conviniently (sp?)

Share your thoughts!

Jul 8, 2007RamenRadio

I personally like the idea. I don't think derek or anyone would be too crazy about it though.

Jul 8, 2007Megashadow77

Well, I just think it would keep the forums cleaner.

Jul 8, 2007xJeremiahx

Simple solution would be to put your email or myspace link in your profile. If people want to message you they can use that. I would be nice to have a PM system though.

Jul 8, 2007Page645

damn right

Jul 8, 2007RamenRadio

That's in the guest book

Speaking of the guest book, do you think we can restart that thread?

All of those people do not login anymore, and I have to scroll so damn much to get to the page man

Jul 8, 2007RamenRadio

Moderators actually deleted a thread. It was the one with Ozzy.

However, I can still view everything I said on there :P lol

Jul 8, 2007SapAuthor

I think Derek should invest in a small PHP BB system. The forums have PM features, you can easily set moderators, people can edit or remove their stuff, you can have sub forums like Shoes & Plates discussion, New SOAPers, SOAP tricks help, SOAP media, Soap Ideas, etc.

I'm sure we could put in the code for the stuff on the left and the google ads or something. Eitherway, i think it would help a lot. Someone Derek really listens to should recommend it. Becuase personally i'm getting turned off by the mass of either unrelated stuff, or constent threads about "waht's your favorite shoe/plate" and other things.

Jul 11, 2007Megashadow77

I totally agree with Trey.
Things would be much more organized, because they aren't organized right now.

Jul 12, 2007Spano565

Treys right we definatly could use a PHP BB system.

Jul 12, 2007Megashadow77


Jul 12, 2007Page645

yea trey's got a great idea for this site

Jul 12, 2007Page645

trev sorry dude i cant beleive i called you trey

Jul 12, 2007Megashadow77

What? his idea for the Guest Book>

Jul 12, 2007Page645

no the small PHP BB system

Jul 12, 2007Megashadow77

.....That WAS Trey.....

Jul 12, 2007Page645

sapauthor is trev check his profile name

Jul 12, 2007Page645


Jul 12, 2007Megashadow77

He's Trevor.......and Trey is short for Trevor.....

Jul 12, 2007Page645

i was thinking of ordananceflint91 his name is tray and so i call trevor trev so i dont get them mixed up

Jul 12, 2007Page645

ordananceflint91 is trey*

Jul 13, 2007SapAuthor

We are both Trey :P

My name is Trevor, I like to go by Trey. Trev is another name.

My name evolved in highschool when i was managing the football team. It went from Trevor, to T-Dog, to Trey Dog, and finally to Trey.

I like the name Trey, so everyone calls me it. Sounds more slick anyways, and it's only 1 syllabul.

Jul 13, 2007SapAuthor

We are both Trey :P

My name is Trevor, I like to go by Trey. Trev is another name.

My name evolved in highschool when i was managing the football team. It went from Trevor, to T-Dog, to Trey Dog, and finally to Trey.

I like the name Trey, so everyone calls me it. Sounds more slick anyways, and it's only 1 syllabul.

Jul 13, 2007Page645

oh ok my bad trey

Jul 24, 2007RamenRadio

I think we should use this thread just for us to discuss whatever to each other.

Lets start off with this, Page should never use HTML :P

Jul 24, 2007Page645

and trav should fuck his goas

Jul 24, 2007Megashadow77

I should cross bread Watermelns and grapes!

Jul 24, 2007RamenRadio

Why fuck my goas when I can grind in them?

You really aren't making any sense at all mate.

I think you're the one who does those things :P

Jul 24, 2007RamenRadio

Keith should go back to flame school. He has no clue how to flame :P

Jul 24, 2007Page645

ok then dont go fuck ur goas go fuck an ugly ass 29 yr. old who likes to hit on 16 yr. olds who work at a long island ducks stadium

Jul 24, 2007Page645

bitch wat now

Jul 24, 2007Megashadow77


Jul 24, 2007RamenRadio

Oh, so now we're returning to the basics.

How about if you get blown by another drunk ass 24 year old? That desperate, huh?

Jul 24, 2007Page645

long story

Jul 24, 2007RamenRadio

Not you Michael. ¬_¬

Jul 24, 2007Page645

hey she came on to me

Jul 24, 2007RamenRadio

No go ahead, tell it.

Jul 24, 2007RamenRadio

And you took it. ALL of it apparently

Jul 24, 2007Megashadow77

I'm gonna buy ya'll some friendship hats.

Jul 24, 2007Page645

and you shouldn't be talking if my gf stayed for another 2 weeks i wouldnt have to be desperate i would have my gf if u know what i mean

Jul 24, 2007RamenRadio

Friendship hats? elaborate?

Jul 24, 2007Page645

not u michael

Jul 24, 2007Megashadow77

Yah, I kno....>>

And friendship hats? Well, what can I say, they're the power of friendship, concentrated into hat form.

Jul 24, 2007RamenRadio

No, I don't know what you mean. :P

Jul 24, 2007RamenRadio

I understand you Michael lol

Jul 24, 2007Page645

trav go on aim

Jul 24, 2007RamenRadio


Jul 24, 2007Page645

wat account then????????

Jul 24, 2007RamenRadio

Now you see me, now you don't
Don't ask me where I'm at
'Cause I'm a million miles away
Treated like a forbidden heel
Don't say my thoughts are not for real
Or you won't see me again

Am I here or am I there
Or am I playing on the stairs
Am I in my room with my toys
I am the disappearing boy

When I walk in crowded rooms
I feel as if it is my doom
I know that I don't belong
In that room I see her
I see her and she's with him
I turn around and then I'm gone

Don't call me up 'cause I'm not home
My whereabouts are now unknown
I vanished from all your joy
I'm the disappearing boy

I have my doubts
Of where I belong
It's something to think about

Don't call me up 'cause I'm not home
My whereabouts are now unknown
I vanished from all your joy
I'm the disappearing boy
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