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Awesome new SOAP vid
Jul 8, 2007 by SapAuthor

Just posted today, some chinese guys or something, but they got some mad skills with the rails. check it out http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4097176773500268018&q=soap+shoe&total=235&start=0&num=10&so=1&type=search&plindex=0"> here

Jul 8, 2007Locke

That's pretty nice. If only I could understand what they were saying. D=

Jul 8, 2007MusicSoaper

I must say, they have soaping down pretty good. Well, now we know that soaping is universal.

Jul 8, 2007sam

Just so you guys know, the really good clips at the begining, were from the relate crew, not them.

Jul 8, 2007Tank

some of those clips are from the video soap slide right?

Jul 8, 2007Tank

i dont believe all of them were the chinese guys, but the clips they had of themselfs in there were pretty sweet.

Jul 8, 2007RamenRadio

holiday, soap slide, and oNe I think.

Jul 8, 2007SapAuthor

Yeah i realized that when i saw the end of it. But still, that must have been some sort of news cast or some promo vid.

Jul 8, 2007SpiderSoaper

haha, that thing he did on the escaltor is wat i do somtimes ha! but yea it looks like these guys r helpful to the soap's community, with there help and others around the world, soaps might come bac

Jul 8, 2007AnthoFlex

Sam took the words right out of my mouth. High five Sam

Those guys were good, but not Sick.
But then again, they are asian, what do you expect?

Jul 8, 2007vault

lol that was cool i wish i had red asphalt ordnances but i hav to stick w/ my express =(


Jul 8, 2007dunk

90% of that footage is of Relate. The rest was pretty lame. Nice find though.

Jul 8, 2007AnthoFlex

whoot, go Dunk

Jul 8, 2007Wesker

Looks like it was something made for local TV back in the day.

Jul 9, 2007dunk

I agree, damn nice shoes. I have some flint Ordnances but they don't look half as good.

Jul 9, 2007Kile

their not that good i mean yeah they can do simple tricks but i didnt see them try and bust out like some royales or cheese-graters

Jul 9, 2007AnthoFlex

Ok, im taking back my comment.

Now that i have seen the ENTIRE video, allow me to make my honest opinion.

The only SICK clips, were that from relate. These kids were no better than the AthensFSW kids. With their trademark Grinding steps of stairs, and hanging on to mall things. NOt exactly worth being put on Chinese (or whatever asian backround) TV. The only thing that made it worth while are the relate clips that were shown.

Trev, you are too easily impressed.

PS- The Red Asphault Ordnance were cool too

Jul 9, 2007Altman

Them Ords WON'T rape you.

Jul 9, 2007SpiderSoaper

Altman(sonicsoaper) u said that in another forum, wat does that mean?

Jul 9, 2007SapAuthor

meh, maybe ur right. Eitherway, it was a well put together video, and it seems to have gotten at least public tv.

Jul 10, 2007vault

yeah i kinda think it was 4 tv cause 4 about a # of minutes it looked like they were getting interviewed plus, it was titled something like Gametesters--Soapshoes and there were a lot more vids. in related menu

Jul 10, 2007Altman

It's an inside joke between Renny and I.

Jul 11, 2007Surfaced

reading these comments... im not gonna watch it. I want to see oNe and tWo in as much of their glory as possible, with the least amount spoiled as possible.

Jul 11, 2007AnthoFlex

Yea, good idea. I got the tWo teaser yesterday, and its such a tease.

Jul 11, 2007Megashadow77

Hey, Renny. Didn't you guys say you would sell video soon in the SSS Store? Are oNe and tWo gonna be included in that?

Jul 11, 2007sam

They wouldnt sell them, they would just put them up so everyone could watch them.

Jul 11, 2007Altman

And I suggested that they didn't do that unless they'd find a way to do it so as not to ruin the audio and visual quality.

Jul 11, 2007iwantsoapshoes

it could be in 2 fps and have a bee hive in the background, i wouldnt care.

Jul 11, 2007Altman

Yeah, sure you wouldn't.

Jul 11, 2007RamenRadio

Always hating.......

Jul 11, 2007Megashadow77

Yah, lighten up, man.

Jul 11, 2007SapAuthor

I dont' think we could sell due to copyright things, but we do plan on having it on the web, but also keepign perfect quality on DVD and maybe giving as a gift when you buy SOAPs from us, we're still thinkinga bout it.
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