What happened 2 Soap shoes? I saw a bunch of videos and it looked sooo cool! there were so many ppl doing it. then i saw all the types and i NEEDED some. so i stayed up all night tryin 2 find some only to locate the ones on sonicandpals.com the express that r un- removable! all the others i found were on ebay (cant trust) or put up on sites for EURO (UK) and the were in high priceses... like a pair of shoes there was 55 EURO in the US that is like 75$ i kinda like the price a bit $$ tho... What i am trying to say here is that... What happened to soap? Y are'nt they in shoe stores any more?
It's not dead though, and it never will be. Help out soap shoes get back to the world by telling people about them. And go to the thread and decide if you want scorchers and broadsides back.
http://www.solidgrind.com/forum/17886/ Don't worry, you'll still be able to have the fun :D
and trust me DG replaceable ones are better but they're not.
replaceable shoes have the advantage fo changing the plates but they're alot heavier than cemented on plates
Yeah, since the heely idea was denied, they are getting back at soap shoes by not making them. Eventually, HSL will see that soap shoes will never die, and that heelys isn't that big of a thing.
It's very good man, I tried them on one time and they were a pretty decent shoe. but still, I'd take a pair of broadsides over that any day lol. Express is a good shoe though.
Jul 13, 2007DG
Jul 13, 2007Megashadow77
Jul 13, 2007DG
Jul 13, 2007RamenRadio
Don't worry, you'll still be able to have the fun :D
Jul 13, 2007DG
Jul 13, 2007Page645
replaceable shoes have the advantage fo changing the plates but they're alot heavier than cemented on plates
Jul 13, 2007Page645
Jul 13, 2007DG
had that problem with Heleys
Jul 13, 2007Page645
Jul 13, 2007DG
Jul 13, 2007RamenRadio
Jul 13, 2007DG
Jul 13, 2007DG
i have another question tho
do the plates wear fast?
like 1 pair every month>
Jul 13, 2007Page645
Jul 13, 2007Page645
Jul 13, 2007Page645
Jul 13, 2007Page645
Jul 13, 2007DG
Jul 13, 2007RamenRadio
And no, cemented grind plate shoes last MAD long. Dario had his scorchers for like four years. THAT'S PRETTY LONG MAN! :D
Jul 13, 2007Page645
Jul 13, 2007DG
Jul 13, 2007DG
Jul 13, 2007RamenRadio
If he's like 16 like me, there is a less chance of him growing out of his shoe size when he becomes more an adult.
If he's like 12, he might grow out of them a lot quicker.
Jul 13, 2007RamenRadio
Only one size bigger DG
Jul 13, 2007RamenRadio
Jul 13, 2007Page645
Jul 13, 2007DG
o ok
Jul 13, 2007Page645
Jul 13, 2007DG
Jul 13, 2007DG
Jul 13, 2007DG
Jul 13, 2007Page645
Jul 13, 2007Page645
Jul 13, 2007DG
Jul 13, 2007Page645
Jul 13, 2007DG
Jul 13, 2007RamenRadio
Jul 13, 2007DG
Jul 13, 2007DG