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What do u think about pos new SSSoapshop / Chatroom?
Aug 5, 2007 by SapAuthor

This is only being considered. I'm showing steve a new system for the SSS Soap Shop. Here's some new things, what do you all think, do you like it, think it will help, etc etc.

-Eliminating the order form. You pay on the spot, so no more submitting order and waiting for the payment form to come via email. Shipment is calculated automatically, and the payment area is under a SSL.

-Stock will be automatically deducted when purchase made, so no more ordering a shoe that's not in stock.

-An HTML version of the shop to go with the Flash version. This way if you have a slower internet, or just don't want to wait for all the loading, etc, there will be constructed a html version with the information. The trictionary, however, will still be flash (works the best that way)

-CHAT ROOM - Yes, a java based chatroom. Both to talk with friends instead of flooding the forums lol, but also to arrange SOAPer meetings, and discuss various things.
http://site.mawebcenters.com/chatroom/ssssoapshop/sssoapshopchat/chat.html">Here's The Chatroom, it will only stay active if we go with the system however. But test it out.

-Calendar - To put any Demos, important dates, and/or when chatroom meetings will occur.

-On one of the best servers. They have one of the best uptimes, so no more busting servers (like i have now >.>)

-Also, unlimited bandwidth, so i can host larger better quality vids to download.

-Mailing groups. You can sign up to receive mass emails about upcoming events, deals, etc.

What do you all think. I'm showing Steve, but what do you all think?


Aug 5, 2007ordnanceflint91

Trev, i think its a great idea. especially the chatroom.

Aug 5, 2007xJeremiahx

All this is great! good job!

Aug 5, 2007iwantsoapshoes

yeah, thats good, but no-one is in the chatroom... sniff-sniff.

Aug 6, 2007Altman

Kickass idea. I'd say go through with it.

Aug 6, 2007Megashadow77

Hell yea! Everyone get on the chatroom...NOW.

Why? Cuz I said so. ;)

Aug 6, 2007Altman

I'm in there.

Aug 6, 2007RamenRadio

Sounds awesome man.

Aug 6, 2007Megashadow77

You aren't in there NOW!

Aug 6, 2007Megashadow77


Aug 6, 2007Altman

Dude, stop being a n00b.

Aug 6, 2007Megashadow77

I'm not a n00b, I'm just kidding.

Aug 6, 2007SapAuthor

If i may request, please keep all useless chatroom talk or whatever OFF this thread, This is to get people's opinions, i want it to stay on topic.

Aug 6, 2007Kile

Oh a Chat Room now, we should all talk tonight

Aug 6, 2007RamenRadio

Can you go on the chat room or on AIM Kile?

Aug 6, 2007matrix8967

bitchin' trev. A+. great idea.

Aug 6, 2007dunk

Regarding the shop, I'd completely scrap the flash, I know you wanna make it look sick but I'd just concentrate on setting up a proper shopping cart system with SSL to accept credit cards.

Aug 6, 2007SapAuthor

I didn't mean keep the flash purchasing system. I mean keep hte flash for hte video, tutorials, SSS info, etc. Make an HTML version of it yes, but keep the flash, it's still a nicely done flash thingy. The tutorial, teamlist, and video section will remain flash no matter what though, best way to do it.

Aug 7, 2007iwantsoapshoes

if its going to be done can you hurry up and do it cuz im ordering my SOAPs soon, and i dont understand that order form bullshit.
do you have to print it out, or what?

Aug 7, 2007SapAuthor

afraid we can't hurry it up. But as for the order form, just fill it out and hit submit, if it submits (it will tell you), as soon as Steve gets a chance to check his email he'll send a payment form to the email address you put. Pay and he'll ship them out as soon as he's home (usually weekends).

If it doesn't go through (it will say it failed) send stevedeel@sbcglobal.net an email with the order information and he'll manually do it.

This will take some time before it's up, if steve agrees to use it. We will need to build the catalog, set everything up, and work on designing.

Aug 7, 2007SapAuthor

Also, me and renny are getting to work on building the html version of the site. we're just getting the navigation done, but with the new HTML, it will load a lot faster and also be more functional and easier to update :-)

We may do a little rearranging as well, and we are looking into also carrying new Soap Tshirts to buy, in the future.

Just keeping ya all posted, this will be a big improvement, just hope Steve agrees.

Aug 7, 2007rhinoskater30

Wow, you guys have a lot of work, but I'm sure youu can get it done.

You guys da man!

Aug 8, 2007AnthoFlex

Thanx rhino.

And Trev's right, we are soon (if everything goes well) going to be stocking eveyrthing from Soap shoes (obviously), to clothing, even videos.

So stay tuned people, stay tuned, you WONT be disappointed

Aug 8, 2007AnthoFlex

If trev wants to put in a Downloads section, i have a bunch of new Soap-downloadable items. Some will make people go crazy.

Trev and I have been working on a Windows XP Soapshoes Theme for your desktop.

I have even gone as far as made a Soap screensaver, came out really awesome. Its a black screen with a 3D Soap O that rotates, wobbles, or flips around your screen depending on what you tell it to do.

Heres a screenshot:
(please note that since its a screenshot, it wont look too smooth, but on the screensaver, its extremely smooth)


Expect to find this, and more goodies for your computer when the new site goes up

; )

Aug 8, 2007AnthoFlex

***The O is also available in a 3D Soap pill Logo (the one you are all used to seeing)***

Aug 8, 2007AnthoFlex

Fuck it, letme screenshot those as well, haha

Im sorry, i just take lots of pride in my work:


As you can see, there are two seperate Pill logos. This is so that you have the option of the one with or without the "soapshoes.com" and registered trademark "R"

Aug 8, 2007AnthoFlex

So like i said before:

Expect to find these, and more goodies at the new SSsoapshop.com

Aug 8, 2007Megashadow77

Holy crap, freaking awesome.

Aug 8, 2007sam

Did you make those images using autodesk inventor?

Aug 8, 2007AnthoFlex

Autodesk what? What does that thing do?

Aug 8, 2007sam

A CGI program that lets you render 3-D images much like that one. I made a soap O once like that in school, but it was nowhere near as nice. Props man.

Aug 8, 2007AnthoFlex


And yea, i've never used that program. Never even heard of it until now

Aug 8, 2007Megashadow77

Renny....I don't know how you do this stuff....

But it's freaking amazing.

Aug 8, 2007AnthoFlex

hee hee, what can i say, huh?

: )

Aug 8, 2007AnthoFlex

Bumping this over the spam thread

Aug 8, 2007Altman

Dude, I'd love to use that as a screen saver. I wouldn't have to shut my monitor off then! XD

Aug 16, 2007SapAuthor

Renny, go to the chatroom!!!

Sorry to use this for this purpose, skype is down and i need to talk to u about some soap stuff. I'll be waiting bro.

Aug 23, 2007SapAuthor

Aight everyone, i got hte system (as i said in another thread).

I will put up the automated shopping cart system in a copule of days. Also i'll be switching servers so soon i'll have the links to the Soap PhpBB board that i'll put up, and also some newsletter signup forum.

Aug 26, 2007SapAuthor

The newsletter is working, we just tested the auto pay and it's working, i'm just putting up the last couple pages and waiting on steve for some stock and product weights for hte auto-shipping finder thingy and we'll be set and the new soapshop can be put up, although it won't be anything graphically pleasing, bare bones until we can redesign.

Sep 2, 2007greenfire8484

noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooone is ever on.
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