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I don't know why heelys even tries
Aug 17, 2007 by Kru

I was on E-bay and I noticed after typing in Grind shoes heelys has a new style of grind shoe out now. I double checked their website out of curiosity. I swear I don't even know why they try anymore. People just buy them for the dang wheel and I've seen many pairs with plates and when the kid moves I never see any skid marks on them. The grind plate has become an "accessory" on the heelys shoe. *barfs*

Aug 17, 2007Megashadow77


Aug 17, 2007SapAuthor

smaller kids find it hard to truly use SOAPs, simply because if you are small and short, you can't really do hand rails or extreme things. Not saying it's impossible, there are some younger SOAPers who are able to use it. but let's face it, when ur 8 or something u arent exactly jumping 3 feet in the air

Aug 17, 2007sam

Yeah, but the younger kids will probably grow to like soaps as they get older.

Aug 17, 2007iwantsoapshoes

see, this is why i love being tall for my age o.O

Aug 20, 2007Kru

Well that is true on rails. Whats to stop them from hitting curbs or stair ledges or benches.All of these are low grindable targets. This is what I did when I had my first pair of soaps.

Aug 21, 2007AnthoFlex

Because thats all they can hit, hahahahahaha

Aug 21, 2007AnthoFlex

The only video i've seen that a Heeler has hit a handrail AND landed it, was the one in the Grail video (the guy with the bandana, hes the only guy thats actually sticking the grinds, not like the shitty backside rail tap), and if im not mistaken, that guy was a pro blader AND he didnt have the wheels in. NOT ONCE do you see him rolling in that video.

And the ONE other time i've seen an actual video of someone with Heelys sticking a handrail grind was this one i found way back when soaps was still coming back. And the kid didnt even have the wheels in. It was funny because the name of the video was "Rail grind with SOAPS"

And in the description the kid is like "I threw the wheels out, does anybody know where i can get Soaps?"

Aug 21, 2007AnthoFlex

*obviously before the SS Soap Shop and when the Rollerwarehouse stock was depleted

Aug 21, 2007Altman

If anything it's all part of HSL's plan to create a full integration of Heelys and Soaps to recreate the very same product that was rejected all those years ago.
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Herr Blunt hittin a Frontside
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