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Im selling my skate cam, i don't need it
Aug 21, 2007 by AnthoFlex

AnthoFlex here. I'm selling this camera that my friend gave. He doesnt skate anymore so he gave it to me. The only reason i'm selling it is because i have no real use for it. I have my own cam already to film for my new DVD. its one of those super high quality cams for making skate videos and stuff.

Here are some pix:




http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d29/AnthoFlex/Cam2.jpg">Big pic 1

http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d29/AnthoFlex/Cam.jpg">Big pic 2

http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d29/AnthoFlex/Cam3.jpg">Big pic 3

As you can see, its a sick looking cam. The only problem is that i don't have the battery for it, so you'll have to buy that on your own.

Anyone interested?

Aug 21, 2007AnthoFlex

If im not mistaken, i remember my friend using this cam to film a few clips in the 5boro video "A new york minute"

thats a sick video as well, you should go check that out.

Aug 21, 2007AnthoFlex

By the way, all the money i get for this cam will be spent like this:

10%- on a nintendo wii
80%- for my plane ticket to HSL (if i dunt get
some green quick, i dunt think i can go)
10%- to pay off what i owe to the bank/friends and sum pocket green for me

Aug 21, 2007sam

How much?

Aug 21, 2007AnthoFlex

How much you willing to spend?

Aug 21, 2007sam

Erm... not sure. Any idea how much the battery would cost?

Aug 21, 2007Megashadow77

Well, I'm sure I can't afford it, but how much are you gonna sell it for?

Aug 21, 2007AnthoFlex

I know the retail price, but im not gonna sell it for that much because noone will buy it.

The retail price is 1,995.99

Aug 21, 2007Page645


Aug 21, 2007Megashadow77

My friend is interested. he wants the model number

Aug 21, 2007Page645

dude! wtf i just relized something were did u get that ny shirt with the soap O in it???!?!?!?! thats freaking siiiick looking!ก!!กกกก!!!ก!!!กกกก!ก!!ก!ก

Aug 21, 2007Page645

dude! i made an upside exclamation point!!! how the hell did i do that????

Aug 21, 2007AnthoFlex

JVC GX-S700U Professional Camera

if you need specs, letme know

Aug 21, 2007Megashadow77


Aug 21, 2007AnthoFlex

Like this:
กกกกกกกกกกกกกกก !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, back to the camera please

Aug 21, 2007Page645


Aug 21, 2007Page645

wtf?!?!?!?! i held down shift and x and d and look wat came out the thing after my idk!?1?1?!?!

Aug 21, 2007Page645

renny....... HOW DO YOU DO THAT?!!??!?!?!?!!

Aug 21, 2007AnthoFlex

Do you not understand? Keep this thread about my camera, i need to sell it if i wanna pay for my trip to HSL, which is crucial for everyone else as well by the way

Aug 21, 2007Page645

oh my bad i didnt see that the profit was going to ur trip my bad ill stop sorry man

Aug 21, 2007AnthoFlex

no prob

Aug 21, 2007Page645

how the hell did i miss u saying the how much profits is going to which thing. im retarted XD

Aug 21, 2007sonic

and i thought i'd seen everything...
looks at tv

Aug 21, 2007sonic

oh yeah im finally using my new account and btw, could you lot start calling me cj?

Aug 22, 2007Megashadow77

But you don't deserve the name sonic....XD

Aug 22, 2007Megashadow77

oops, sorry, I misread your comment, ignore mine.

Aug 22, 2007vault

hmm does it use cassette?

Aug 22, 2007AnthoFlex

Yea, but not VHS, i dunt think so at least

Aug 22, 2007Altman

You can always convert it to VHS though.

Aug 22, 2007RamenRadio

So does it use Mini DV or something else

Aug 22, 2007AnthoFlex

heres a spec list: (Taken from the proffessional equipment section of JVC.com)

====================GXS700U SPECIFICATIONS==================

Pickup tube : 2/3" Static-Magnetic Saticon,
high resolution type

Color System : Frequency separation color system
5 MHz chrominance carrier

Scanning system : 30 frames, 525 lines, 2:1

Video output : 1 Vp-p, 75 ohms, NTSC

Horizontal Resolution : Better than 360 TV lines

Video signal to noise ratio : Better than 48 dB (contour off)

Minimum illumination : 30 lux with +12 dB gain

Audio Output : CH-1 and CH-2, -20dB 1 k-ohm

External Microphone input : CH-1 and CH-2, -72 dB/low
impedence, 3.5 mm stereo jack

Headphone output : -6 dB/low impedence, 3.5mm stereo

Mike mixing : CH-1 and CH-2 mixed by stereo
mono switch

Lens : Variable-speed power zoom lens,
10:1 (10.5--105mm), f/1.8, with
macro and auto-shutter.

Iris : Auto iris/auto lock/manual

Color temperature filter : Indoor (3200K)/outdoor (5100K)
switched on lens

White balance : Preset and automatic

Viewfinder : 1.5" Electronic, detachable

Indicator & Alarm : On-screen read-out indications
controlled by character generator
and microcomputer (Iris, pause,
tape run, battery alarm, white
balance, filter, gain, etc.)

Auto fader : Video/audio or video only to/from
white, black, red, green or blue
or audio only.

Genlock input : BNC connector; 1.0 Vp-p composite
NTSC signal

Color bar generator : Built in; full field

Character generator : 12-key operation character
generator for superimposition of
titles, dates and lap time;
memory back-up time: 8 hours

Power requirement : +12V DC from VCR or battery pack
(NB-P3U or NB-P4U)

Power consumption : 9.2 watts

Weight : 2.95 kg with lens, viewfinder
microphone, & shoulder pad

Dimensions : 415mm(D) x 190mm(W) x 238mm(H)
with lens hood, viewfinder, &
shoulder pad

Aug 22, 2007AnthoFlex

I'm letting you Solidgrinders take first dibs on this camera. But if i dunt get an offer by sunday, i'm eBaying this cam, and you know the bid war will take over.

Rather give it to a soaper to make very high quality Soap videos rather than some guy who wanna make a movie out of it

Aug 22, 2007RamenRadio

I might be able to get around....... ummmm...... 350 dollars in a week..... That's all the money I could gather up though. Maybe 450 at most, that's all I can do.

Aug 22, 2007AnthoFlex

haha, i Am NOT selling that cam for $450.

The retail is $1,995

I would like at the least $1000 for it. If you really want it Travis, i can hold it for you. If you are positive that you are gonna buy it, i wont ebay it

Aug 22, 2007RamenRadio

I dunno, how long could you hold it for? Isn't the meeting soon dude?

Aug 22, 2007AnthoFlex

Still waiting on Steve and Trev, i have no clue whats going on.

If you think you can get the $1000 to me soon, i can hold it for as long as you need to.

Aug 22, 2007RamenRadio

Unless I can sell a lot of wax, I don't think that's going to happen dude. lol I'm sorry, if anything I'd have to take my chances on ebay. Sorry. Leave the link on ebay if you ebay it dude.

Aug 22, 2007AnthoFlex

iight, will do

Aug 22, 2007RamenRadio

Because it's not so much that I can't get the money, I just can't get it that quick. So if I do it via ebay, I will have a bit of time before I need to get that money.

Aug 22, 2007Locke

I'd be more psyched if you were selling that shirt. That shirt is awesome.

Aug 22, 2007AnthoFlex

Anybody want the shirt?

Name a good price, and i may just sell it
Its a L by the way

Aug 22, 2007Locke

...You are aware that was a joke, right? XDD

Aug 22, 2007Megashadow77

NO! I want a Medium! NEED!

Aug 22, 2007sam

$15 haha.

Aug 22, 2007Megashadow77

Large won't fit me, or that bitch'd be mine.

Aug 22, 2007Hattmac02

i would make an offer but i spent alot of my money on my nintendo wii it kicks ass

Aug 22, 2007AnthoFlex

I have another one, plus if somebody else has this shirt, thats more rep up for Soap

Aug 22, 2007AnthoFlex

Im more about the rep of Soap, im not really all about having more than everybody else

Aug 23, 2007Mart

$1000? http://cgi.ebay.com/JVC-Video-Saticon-Camera-GX-S700U-w-10x-Zoom-Lens_W0QQitemZ230159467902QQcmdZViewItem">This may mean you should revise that asking price

Something you failed to mention is that this camera is listed as an archived product on the JVC website; this camera was first released almost 20 years ago, and the technology inside it is hideously out of date. It's not what I'd call a 'super high quality' camera by today's standards, and you'd be lucky to make $100 on this, let alone $1000

Aug 23, 2007Megashadow77

Oh my god, it's mart!

Aug 23, 2007Megashadow77

Yeah, you'd be lucky to get 100 bucks outta that thing.

Aug 23, 2007AnthoFlex

Hmmmmm, i didnt know that. Im kinda in the dark when it comes to cams and stuff. Oh well, imma still put it on ebay. If nothing happens, then im tossing it

Aug 23, 2007AnthoFlex

And Mike, why didnt you say sumthing before? If somone actually woulda payed a $1000 for this cam and i woulda found out later, i woulda felt like shit

Aug 23, 2007AnthoFlex

Anywayz, looks like I'm not going to HSL this year, so um....good run for me.

I quit

Aug 23, 2007RamenRadio

Ok, first of all, ZOMG MART LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

second of all, Renny, huh?????????????????

Aug 23, 2007Megashadow77

Wait, what did you want me to tell you? i didn't know.

Aug 23, 2007AnthoFlex

whatever, im not pissed anymore. I'll save up somehow for the trip

Aug 24, 2007SapAuthor

dont' worry renny, we still got time, HSl won't give us a date anyways, just find a business like i told ya, the refferal fee will pay for ur trip.
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