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Female soapers
Sep 2, 2007 by juno

Um...dont take me for a fool, but just wondering, are there any female soapers on this site?

Sep 2, 2007PixelEater

Nah dude. No girls on the internet. Anyone who says differently is actually a man.

Sep 3, 2007blakeashake

yep women belong in the kitchen or bedroom

Sep 3, 2007Page645

thats a little mean dude wat if there really was a girl on this site but she never posts(like shadowsoaper did or maybe still does idk)

Sep 3, 2007blakeashake

lmao its the truth

Sep 3, 2007Page645


Sep 3, 2007Megashadow77

hahahahahah....keith, aim.

Sep 3, 2007Page645

u werent on it like 2 min ago so bitch :P

Sep 3, 2007juno

Women have more use and worth than that my friend (blakeashake). Perhaps the mere fact that they TOO are human beings with not just lips breast and other female genitals they are also consisted of spirit, mind and heart and mite just be the worlds best soaper. Ul be sure to remember that I take offense to such things said for women. No im not a girl defending myself I am very much a man just saying what I think is rite. Any one agree?

Sep 3, 2007Megashadow77

rofl, juno is trying to seem sensitive.

Sep 3, 2007juno

lol. No, im just trying to prove a point lad. Whats your opinion Shadow?

Sep 3, 2007Page645

i agree dude

Sep 3, 2007juno

Thank you page. Honestly, I take serious offense to that kind of talk. Thanks.

Sep 3, 2007PixelEater

Listen, juno, what the hell man. Genitals are reproductive organs. Good to see we have a woman expert on our hands.

Where are all the female soapers? Well shit son, women don't have hobbies. They in fact eat cereal all day long when they aren't folding socks and making sandwiches... or some combination thereof.

Sep 3, 2007AnthoFlex

Wow, thats extremely degrading dude

Sep 3, 2007matrix8967

ha, male superiority complex? most of the people who soap in my town are girls.

Sep 3, 2007Page645

pixeleater u have just earned the right to the title: ASSHOLE

Sep 3, 2007blakeashake

lmao this is a great thread
ha but i was jk about women only good for the kitchen and the bedroom. i respect them more than that.

Sep 3, 2007greenfire8484

i cant even imagine how any disrespecting asshole can say shit about girls. Where the fuck do u get off saying crap? at least blakeashake said he was kidding, PixelEater is just a total asshole. Without girls, where would idiots like pixeleater be?

I hope that Pixeleater doesnt have a gf.

Sep 3, 2007PixelEater

lol j/k guys. I'm pretty supportive of females.

Sep 3, 2007Page645

then all u had to do was quickly put j/k up after that cuz when u say stuff like this on the internet ppl cant tell if ur being sarcastic or not

Sep 3, 2007PixelEater

Internet: Serious Business.

Sep 3, 2007Page645


Sep 4, 2007RamenRadio

Girl soapers, I WILL FIND YOU!

Oh shit, that doesn't make me look too good does it? XD

Sep 4, 2007Page645


Sep 4, 2007Page645


Sep 4, 2007DG

PixelEater...ill c u in hell...
Girls arent just ur maid. There ppl 2 dood... and tho most girls are...girls there not just cereal eatin' morons! and every once and a while youll find a bad a$$ sk8er chick (lucky me)! So it seems Pixel has no girl friend =o BURN!

Sep 4, 2007Page645

uh dude he said he was joking around

Sep 4, 2007Ronni

female here. Last time I checked :P

Sep 4, 2007PixelEater

Oh shi-

Sep 4, 2007Page645

WTF!!!?!!?!?!!?!? where the hell did she come from did she just spawn out of mid-fucking-air!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!!??

Sep 4, 2007vault

now would b the best time to say OMFG...
shes been a member since may O7
omg will u hav my babies( sorry alex ) lol jk ronni
well i guess we just got burned by this hottie lol yes pun fing intended. ahh life back to SG

Sep 4, 2007juno

GUYS!! Freakin A seriously. Ronni? Dont mind them, girl soapers are very much supported by us and NOT solid dumbass jokes vault. Ronni, welcome to the show. :/

Sep 4, 2007RamenRadio

Hey Ronni, how are you?

Sep 4, 2007greenfire8484

Wow. Hi. lol didn't expect this to happen. I didn't expect any girls at all to post here... after what everyone said...

Oh sh-

Sep 4, 2007matrix8967

lol, craig titty fuckin christ. there are girls who soap. chill.

and it's ok vault. i understand :(

Sep 4, 2007Page645


Sep 4, 2007greenfire8484

matrix u definitely misread my post. Re-read it.

Sep 5, 2007juno

Ronni, like I said b4, welcome to the show. Dont be afraid to post nething on this websites. Im talking questions about nething or nebody, ideas, nething. Be aware that there are some people that like to ruin forums. But dont let that bug you. Happy Soapin! and please, dont get hurt.

Sep 6, 2007vault

u know i hate flaming but juno stfu its a joke thats y i said lol jk. dont fing call me a dumbass juno. dude if u go to this picture awhile back with this girl soaping every1 made comment like that. u want know y? b cuz were guys we mess around. dude some even wanted to marry her using broadsides but could only give her mr wilsons. not naming him...
so juno dont call ppl dumbasses when there joking.

and alex theres many more fish in the sea...


Sep 6, 2007PixelEater

Devyn pretty much nailed it. Also, female soapers maybe rare, but there's no need to get all tender around them. They are our peers.

Sep 6, 2007Kru

I could be a girl. You never know until you know. heh heh.

Sep 6, 2007PixelEater

It's a trap

Sep 6, 2007vault

thank u pixel. hmm kru, a girl, nahh...

Sep 7, 2007Ronni

I don't post much I guess I'm mostly a creeper lol but Hi to all of you. :P

Sep 7, 2007RamenRadio

Hows the grind rails Ronni?

Sep 7, 2007Page645


Sep 7, 2007RamenRadio

Wow, I can't ask how someone is doing, and you can say a load of stupid stuff that you know will piss me off. That's stupid Page

Sep 7, 2007Page645

no dudeu misunderstood i thought she had soaps so dont yell at me u fuck!

Sep 7, 2007RamenRadio

Stupid bastard.

Sep 7, 2007Page645

fuck u assbang

Sep 7, 2007PixelEater

Alllright dudes, even I'm ready to get back to normalcy. How about we all stop trolling our own forum?

Sep 7, 2007Page645

ok then trav get ur ass on aim so i can flame the hell out of u :P

Sep 7, 2007Page645

OMFG!!!!! i was completely correct the Ronni was on SG the entire time but she doesnt post holy shit XD XD XD XD XD
*check my first post on top of the page*

Sep 7, 2007Page645

RONNI* not the ronni

Sep 7, 2007greenfire8484

uhh... Pixel? Normalcy isn't actually a word.. its normality... maybe it's my weird vocabulary, but normalcy isn't really a word=/

Sep 7, 2007Page645

well who cares we knew wat he meant

Sep 7, 2007Page645

it doest really matter its all good

Sep 8, 2007PixelEater

Well let's not discount real words...


the quality or condition of being normal, as the general economic, political, and social conditions of a nation; normality: After months of living in a state of tension, all yearned for a return to normalcy.

Anyway, I just want to throw out that if what I'm saying sounds asinine or negative at any time, it's not serious. Throwing around insults or arguing points, it's all for sheer lulz. I don't take the internet seriously, as that would be a mistake. I think a few of you have taken me literally on more than one occasion here...

Sep 8, 2007Page645

yea but when u disrespected trav i blew up he was only saying wat we all were saying when i was using html

Sep 8, 2007Page645

but it's all good now right?

Sep 8, 2007Page645

i mean ur not pissed at anymore are u? pixel?

Sep 8, 2007PixelEater

I'm saying I wasn't pissed and I never am over the internet. What's the point? I wasn't even serious. It's dry humor. If a forum has HTML, I'm likely to use it. Because I know how. So far I've broken nothing and in fact fixed on page. So there ya go.

Sep 8, 2007Page645

we know u havent broken pages but we cant take that chance anymore(:\ that would be my bad)so we are asking u dont use html and dont disrespect anybody and that goes for all of us including me from now on i will not hate unless someone else is being hated on for the wrong reason or i'm being hated on for watever reason for on

Sep 8, 2007Page645

for watever reason and so on*

Sep 8, 2007Page645

and yes we thank u for fixing a page

Sep 8, 2007RamenRadio

Y aren't you on AIM

Sep 8, 2007RamenRadio

Whatever, fuck it. I have a headache and I don't need this.

Sep 8, 2007Page645

cuz it was slowing my comp down so i logged off

Sep 8, 2007Page645


Sep 8, 2007vault

u have a mac too?

Sep 8, 2007RamenRadio

we both do lol

Sep 8, 2007vault

nice i hav mac osx. 4 some reason i just dont like windows. oh w8 theres about thousands of threats for pc while mac has less than 50

Sep 8, 2007PixelEater

oh w8 brb there about thousands of games for pc while mac has less than 5 OH SNAP

Actually, I got my PC running OS X hackintosh style earlier today. I now have a "mac" too.

Sep 8, 2007vault

um guess what mac run pc programs. u can also upgrade n buy software so u can play games. so eat that lol

Sep 8, 2007PixelEater

Enjoy your lower framerate, lack of video cards and hardware that fully supports, say, any game newer than Sim City 2000 lol D:

Sep 8, 2007Hermes2722

There IS a Mac version of what was it? oh yes, HALO! one of microsoft's greatest games EVER! but I DO have a pc. a tablet really.

Sep 8, 2007PixelEater

They would, seeing as Halo never demanded anything in the graphics department ;)

Sep 8, 2007RamenRadio

If you are that much of a gamer, you can run windows on another partition of your macintosh. See, macs are cool like that. You can even run both operating systems at the same time, and do stuff on each operating system without your processor even having the slightest bit of trouble.

so you have a generic mac eh? How's it running for you? I hear it's no good unless you have a lot of ram, but what can you expect from a crappy PC

Sep 8, 2007Page645


Sep 8, 2007RamenRadio

Who here hates Jack Thompson?

Sep 8, 2007Page645


Sep 8, 2007RamenRadio

The lawyer bitch who is all concerned about violent games and shit. I know how to contact him ;)

Page call me or go on AIM

Sep 8, 2007RamenRadio

I still Say that Alex is the luckiest guy on the forum :P lol

Sep 8, 2007PixelEater

RamenRadio, the problem comes in the hardware you're limited to within the machine. OS X may run bulletproof, but let's say you did install Windows and tried to play the latest, I dunno, Bioshock. That would work like AIDS.

Also, if you are that much of a mac-er, you can run OS X on another partition of your PC like I am.

I now effectively have a Mac that's faster than most of their best, because ya know what? You have an infinite selection of performance parts with a PC.

Sep 8, 2007PixelEater

This thread has officially become the random thread. All non-soap comments might as well just make their way in here. Besides, I wish we could rename if female soaper. Without the S on the end :P

Sep 8, 2007vault

my monitor is different plus i have a video card i play halo demo its free plus i mod it =p

Sep 8, 2007PixelEater

What do you mean by your monitor is different?

Sep 8, 2007matrix8967

I am lucky. I have a custom badass computer which i mod all my games on. and i soap with beautiful girls...life's good.

Sep 9, 2007Page645


Sep 9, 2007Page645

i hate u alex *mumbles:lucky son of a bitch*

Sep 9, 2007Page645

i know this is a little late but referring to vault comment:

"....dude if u go to this picture awhile back with this girl soaping every1 made comment like that. u want know y? b cuz were guys we mess around. dude some even wanted to marry her using broadsides but could only give her mr wilsons. not naming him..."


Sep 9, 2007vault

man alex, college. F!@# i hate my school

Sep 9, 2007Page645

AH! but mines worse we are so poor even welfare cant pay for us! XD

Sep 9, 2007Page645

and the budget passed too

Sep 9, 2007RamenRadio

Dude shut up page

Sep 9, 2007Page645

snappy today arent we? XD

Sep 9, 2007RamenRadio

yeah I am after one of my Team mates does something stupid like change a shit load of stuff on a myspace just to try and piss someone off. you are off the team until further notice. Have a nice day. And if you want to know who else has my back with this, Kyle does

Sep 9, 2007Page645

alright fuck off then hmmmm... i think i'll give AJ a call peace u fucker

Sep 9, 2007Page645

and know wats funny to is ask steve i was freaking joking too that just makes this shit even funnier

Sep 9, 2007RamenRadio

Why do I have to fuck off? its a forum for all soapers. Just because we have something to say about you means you just run away? Well that's smooth.

If you have a problem with something, take care of it like a fucking adult. I had no fucking clue what your problem was, and it turned out to be something that was done by mistake. Seriously, what the hell is your problem

Sep 9, 2007RamenRadio

Oh so now you just think this is all a joke? That's really funny page. Really fucking funny. You do absolutely nothing for two weeks, and then you just decide to fuck around instead of helping or anything.

You are really fucking brilliant.

Sep 9, 2007RamenRadio

HAH! The joke is on whoever is reading this. Just playing around lol, sorry solidgrind is dead and it's so freaking late

Sep 9, 2007greenfire8484

...dead? I would hardly call it dead.....

Sep 9, 2007Page645

no dude its dead

Sep 9, 2007vault

god ur right...

Sep 9, 2007Page645

now its really dead im probably the only one on if there is no one going to say other wise in like 5 minutes im logging off

Sep 9, 2007Page645

thats it im outta here

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

That so page?
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