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Best Freakin Dream
Sep 7, 2007 by rhinoskater30


Sep 7, 2007rhinoskater30

It's the best one I have EVER HAD.

Two nights ago, when I was sick with a fever and chill, I had a dream where I was in some odd city. It was like my version of LA, even though I live in San Antonio.

So it starts off, I'm walking in going to get new shoes. (You know where it's goin!)
I see him with Soaps. "Where'd you get THOSE!?"
He said over there, and pointed to the wall. I was all NO WAY! I run over, and sure enough.......

The one that hadn't been thought of didn't have a grind plate, but was like Heelys, but had four wheels like inlines, weird. I ended up trying on the Broadsides, but just then my dream jumped me to the other side of the store. I'm guessing cuz I've never actually tried them on before. Then other stuff happens, and I never end up buying them. Now I figure that's a good thing since I would wake up a little later and be sad. I still am sad.

But boy...what a dream.

Sep 7, 2007rhinoskater30

And by Him I mean some random guy, and I hope you don't get offended by the term "black", because he was, uhh, black.

Sep 7, 2007rhinoskater30

oh and sorry about the capital h, cuz that means God, sorry God.

Sep 8, 2007PixelEater

So, what you're trying to say is... God is black? j/k

The vividness of dreams during fevers is the best.

Sep 8, 2007Page645

just so u know rhino we have a forum set up for sopaing dreams

Sep 8, 2007Page645


Sep 8, 2007matrix8967

it's a sign from god. simple as that.

Sep 8, 2007RamenRadio

Why did we need a new thread for this?

Sep 8, 2007rhinoskater30

well if you don't mind its not about just YOUR threads, can I at least make one very once in a while.

and see there ya go with that whole flaming, WHY? quit complaining. no one ever had to respond but instead of adding this big description to an existing thread, i thought i'd just ad a new one

what's that les paul one about, I know its a guitar, but it's not even soap related, do we need a thread for that?

Sep 8, 2007RamenRadio

Flaming? I just asked why you made a whole other thread instead of just posting it in a thread that was made for the topic.

You really like to over react I guess, sorry for ruining your fun.

You can go ahead and over react all over the fucking forum. Have fun.

Sep 8, 2007RamenRadio

That's an example of hating moron, and I'm not the only one saying it so stop fucking around

Sep 8, 2007rhinoskater30

Uhhh, hmmm, who's flaming now?

Sep 9, 2007RamenRadio

You were the flammer in the first place idiot, I was giving you an example of flamming. How much shit do I have to explain to you?

Sep 9, 2007Page645

dude rhino he's right there's a thread already made for this and we are both sure that u have probably seen it too its been here long enough but someone really needs to bump it up hmmmmm..... and remember wat i said attack only when ur being attacked and u attacked so he defended. oh and trav guess wat ummm u did html :P jk just be careful dude please?

Sep 9, 2007RamenRadio

I know dude I know

Sep 9, 2007Page645

nvm that forum doesnt need to be bumped its at the end of the first page of the forums XD

Sep 9, 2007greenfire8484

guys, come on. I know from experience that getting flamed sucks. (And I can just see Keith and Michael and Dalton getting ready to say shit right now.) So really, I'm not saying we all have to get along, just stop flaming. Please guys, it's a forum for Soapers to talk about Soaping and help each other out. Can we just cool it? Just a bit?

Sep 9, 2007greenfire8484

crap. My post may have been lost among the fresh ones. I was referring to Ramen saying
You were the flammer in the first place idiot, I was giving you an example of flamming. How much shit do I have to explain to you?

Sep 9, 2007Page645

dude wat r u talking about flamming u out me mike and dalton we only did it cuz wat u did i wasnt gonna flame u

Sep 9, 2007greenfire8484

dude, i was just kidding. Sorry man.

Sep 9, 2007Page645

oh my bad XD

Sep 9, 2007greenfire8484

i guess it sounded different in my head.

Sep 9, 2007greenfire8484

and Rhino, just wanna say, that's a weird dream. But I must say, it makes a lot more sense than the ones i have XD

Sep 9, 2007RamenRadio

btw Rhino, that thread is over 4 years old, so there isn't anything to do about it. Mods could have removed that thread four years ago, but didn't

Do you have something to say to the solidgrind mods Rhino?

Sep 9, 2007iwantsoapshoes

who doesnt?

Sep 9, 2007iwantsoapshoes

who doesnt?

Sep 9, 2007iwantsoapshoes

who doesnt?

Sep 9, 2007iwantsoapshoes

sorry about the triple post

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

triple page fuxxing post you mean?

Sep 9, 2007iwantsoapshoes

for someone that doesn know me, you know me alot. :)

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

hell yes I know you!

Sep 9, 2007iwantsoapshoes

you know me? how! tell me oh,do,do,do

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

you have a tendency to fuxx posts. that is how I know you.

Sep 9, 2007iwantsoapshoes

i have never fucked a post. only my underage girlfriend.

Sep 9, 2007iwantsoapshoes

lol j/k

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

what do call extending the page by at least the space of 30 average posts. a PAGE FUXX

Sep 9, 2007iwantsoapshoes

oh right.i guess you do learn something new everyday.

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722


Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

I think I just fuxxed the page hard! XD

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

meh. when in rome... fuxx up the page even more!

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722


Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

throw in a little underline

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

top it with some shadow

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

oh wait that is a strikethrough.. meh. now you have the most fuxxed page on solid grind! a regular souffle of fuxxification!

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

<36> fix I try done?

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722


Sep 9, 2007iwantsoapshoes

you twat! trav and ren are gonna chew your ass out, bad!

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

defuxx 1

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722


Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

fry fix

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

crap How I fix? Halp!

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722


Sep 9, 2007Altman

Nice going Mr. HTM-Go to hell. Now everything looks like it's wearing old school prison garb.

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

Halp! need page defuxxers!

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

sry did not mean for it go this far. my older bro did this! All I now is bolding!

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

rly halp!

Sep 9, 2007PixelEater

You make it easy fag.

Sep 9, 2007PixelEater

Whoops, forgot me italics.

Sep 9, 2007PixelEater

And your bro didn't do this. I recognize your trademark html mistake.

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722


Sep 9, 2007Page645

how much immature can this kid get?

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722


Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

I just want to soap. I dont page fuxx on purpose... please believe me.

Sep 9, 2007Page645

it sure like u purposely tried to really fuck this page up and pixel man we owe u one for being online at the time u were XD

Sep 9, 2007RamenRadio

You guys are a bunch of fucking morons. I swear to fucking god, everyone flammed me out for this shit, but look at wtf you guys are doing. I do one little mistake and everyone gets pissed. All of you assholes make a fucking spaz out all over the fucking forum, and no one say shit.

I've had it with this shit. I've had it with your fucked up dumb ass HTML shit.
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