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SSsoapshop.com is complete!
Sep 26, 2007 by AnthoFlex

After a long time of construction, Trev and I have finally completed the new SSsoapshop design. And like i've promised already, all will be pleased. Especially the oldies (you'll see why)

This new site features everything from a picture section, to video section, the fabled "Build-A-Shoe" Game has been remastered.

Greg Cumberford's old "GrinderFinder" has been brought back as well, with a new name. The NEW "Soaper Locator" has taken its place. Its like a very organized version of Solidgrind's guestbook thread. Except, it is all Global. So for everyone who has signed the "Guestbook" thread here on solidgrind, please go to the Soaper Locator, and submit your info there as well.

An instant pay system has been added to the order form, so you'll never have to wait for a confirmation email ever again.

And finally, Even more new things are well on their way. A new tricktionary, media coverage section, and a much bigger inventory. So stay tuned. Sign up for the SS Soap Shop newsletter, to receive emails on these updates, and we promise, we wont fill your inboxes with every little update we make.

.....What the hell are you all still doing reading this? Get to the SS Soap Shop!


-Renny "AnthoFlex" Castillo
-Trevor Fayas

Sep 26, 2007SapAuthor

Def. I stayued u till 3 am (and i still need to do my comic and update), renny till 4. Enjoy everyone. There's still some more work to do here and there, but we wanted it up and running.

Sep 26, 2007sam

Awsome work guys!!!!!!

Sep 26, 2007sam

Um... One question really quick though. Im having problems changing the color on the different parts. How exactly do you change it?

Nice work though its exactly like the old site.

Sep 26, 2007cherryman696966

wow its really nice guys.

Sep 26, 2007SapAuthor

Sam, dunno how it can be confusing :P Click on the part, pick your color, and click on the little paint buckets with "Area 1" through whatever # of areas it has. Anyone else have problems figuring it out?

Sep 26, 2007JeiHeirumaru

Greatness.... 'Nuff said

Sep 26, 2007sam

Oh, i wasnt clicking on the paint bucket... lol

Sep 26, 2007Altman


Sep 26, 2007Altman

The style rocks.

Sep 26, 2007soapbofo

the site is freakin sweet it's got everything
it's like the ultimate Soap Shoes site

Sep 26, 2007SapAuthor

If you have any suggestions, also please put them here, but i think we got all our bases covered, only a couple of things left to put up.

Sep 27, 2007Locke

It's really well put together, guys. I've got a design down for the shoe builder game, but every color scheme I've tried doesn't work. D:

Sep 27, 2007SapAuthor

you can manually edit the colors to whatever you want using the RGB slider below the color pallette, you have every color possibility there.

Sep 27, 2007dunk

looks good, brings back fond memories, thanks for the link.

Sep 29, 2007vault

its great the otnly thing is like well here

bug report
foward is spelled wrong
it is spelled forward
"move layer foward"
so its big bug
but i just want to let u guys know =)


Sep 29, 2007AnthoFlex

Good eye Devyn

Sep 29, 2007vault

opps its not a big bug*
no problem renny

Sep 29, 2007AnthoFlex

Its not a big bug, but it is a spelling mistake. You really dont want spelling mistakes on your site. So thanx for pointing that out

Sep 29, 2007AnthoFlex

Also, we need people to start submitting their pix in for the pictures section. We would like to feature at least 20 good soap photos every week or 2 weeks

Sep 30, 2007SpiderSoaper

wat about that link that says
"plates,keys, and screws"? shouldnt that be taken out?

Sep 30, 2007SapAuthor

we left them there because eventually we want them there, and are working on it still.

sorry about the type, i'll have to change it, but just a heads up, flash cashes the flash, so you would ahve to manuallyr efresh the actual page (which isn't the page you are on, i took the shoe game from my website).

Oct 4, 2007AnthoFlex

Bumping back up.

Are you guys submitting your pix, and vids for the pictures and videos sections?

and your build-a-shoe designs, keep em coming

Oct 4, 2007iwantsoapshoes

renny, yours and kristys designs are off the hizzle!

Oct 4, 2007AnthoFlex

thanx bro

Oct 4, 2007Page645

yea man the site fucking rocks i love it MAJOR props guys

Oct 4, 2007SpiderSoaper

everytime i submit a shoe it never works

Oct 5, 2007Altman

There's a reason for this. Usually it won't work if your pop-up blocker is on. The majority of the time you don't see your shoe in the gallery is simply because it's not good enough to be there. It needs to have a certain style and not just some random bunch of parts and epileptic colors all overt he place.

Oct 5, 2007Surfaced

Absolute win. A blast from the past. Its got the cherry on top, and everything.

Oct 5, 2007Surfaced

I'm sorry, let me comment again for added emphasis.

Unbelievable. I'm in total shock... I didn't expect this level of quality/authenticity.

Awesome job, cookies for all and 3 pats on the back.

Oct 5, 2007SapAuthor

Thanks all.

SpiderSoaper, on my mac on this browser i'm getting the same problem. Firefox works for mac for it though, so try that.

If it does submit, just not up on the boards, renny's still trying to find the time to put them up. We got a lot of SOAPs to put up, thanks for the patients.

Also, just fixed the alignments of the subnavs, and also we SEO the site and submitted it, so hopefully in a couple months our shop will show up when you type in "Soap Shoes"

Oct 5, 2007sam

Yeah, this is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much like the old site. Same graphics, games, everything! Awsome job once agian.

Oct 5, 2007AnthoFlex

The original game was a headache though. Trev and I still have copies of the original "Build-A-Shoe" game. Perhaps we should screenshot it to view somewhere on our site?

Just to show the evolving of Soap

Oct 5, 2007sam

Yeah, the orginal game didnt have nearly as many choices, even with the release of more shoes.

Oct 5, 2007SapAuthor

i think the biggest improvement is the layers, in the old game you didn't have control over layers, meaning you had to put the things up in the right order, if you went out, you pretty much had to start all over :- /

Also, I like the multi area, it looked kind of cheesy just having solid colored parts, ya know?

Oct 6, 2007mgm

What is the EVA sole?

Oct 6, 2007Surfaced

MGM, I think it looks like the Scorcher's sole.

But incase you are wondering, EVA is an acronym for Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate. Used in plenty of shoes.

Oct 6, 2007iwantsoapshoes

i loves the octane in BAS. it looks so, hand drawn.

Oct 6, 2007AnthoFlex

The EVA sole is the Scorcher sole, yes

And if BAS means Build-A-Shoe, the Octanes there are not hand-drawn. They are outline extracted from a picture of my very own Yellow Octanes

Oct 8, 2007AnthoFlex

ok, im just a few pictures short to complete the first set of pictures for the PIctures section.

Are you guys not soaping, or not taking pictures?

Oct 8, 2007Megashadow77

Hey, Renny, did you get those pics you liked off the site?

Oct 8, 2007AnthoFlex

yea, but i need more.

Oct 8, 2007xJeremiahx

all I've got is my two youtube videos and a couple crapy cell phone pics. I just bought a pair of soaps for my best friend so hopeflly we should be soaping together a lot and filming/photoing soon.

Oct 9, 2007AnthoFlex

So noone else soaps? Geez, you guys suck

Oct 10, 2007greenfire8484

Got no pictures...

Oct 10, 2007soapbofo

I soap but i dont have a camera to record videos or take pictures and cell phone takes crappy pictures ill see if one of my friends has one I could borrow.

Oct 10, 2007RamenRadio

I can't view the pictures section on Safari or Firefox. It doesn't work.

Oct 10, 2007AnthoFlex

Its not even up yet. Thats why i want people so submit their photos, otherwise we'll just take it down

Oct 10, 2007RamenRadio

Things seem to be going pretty slow here, I don't think I missed much.

Oct 10, 2007RamenRadio

oh, iight Antho

Oct 10, 2007Deadmoose

the games sick but needs laces for the shoes i had an idea that'd looks sick with outter laces

high props the sites sick

Oct 10, 2007AnthoFlex


Oct 11, 2007SapAuthor

Just a heads up, i just created the shoe submit form. It will be on the pictures page when it's finished, but if you wish to submit your pics now, here's where you go:


I'll put up a new thread about this as well.

Oct 19, 2007AnthoFlex

Just bumping up.

People, get your pix in, your fan-sites in, and any good videos in

Nov 1, 2007AnthoFlex

Ok guys, i fixed up the "myspace stuff" section because i had a lot of people emailing me saying that the stuff didnt work.

Only the ext network banners worked correctly. I have fixed everything on there and everything works beautifully.

I did however, have to take out the online now icons. Until i can write up my own code that will actually work without myspace re-positioning it, i took it down. My codes always worked in the past, i have no idea whats going on now.

Also, if anyone has any suggestions of anything to add, letme know. You know im always here and on the shop.

Nov 1, 2007AnthoFlex

I'll get it done with no problem

Nov 1, 2007AnthoFlex

Also, i forgot to mention, you guys are all fiends for the Build-A-Shoe game aren't ya?

Those designs you all sent in are great. They are coming in a lot faster than im able to put up....

makes me think.....should we hold some sort of CONTEST for building a shoe with a GRAND PRIZE?.......hmmmm ; )

Nov 1, 2007AnthoFlex

ugh, last post i promise.....maybe

Im currently working putting in a new BUT temporary tricktionay. With pictures (actual photos, not like Wii sports-type stuff, haha), descriptions, BUT no videos. We'll still have the flash one on the bottom or on a seperate page if you wanna see the videos. It's time for change and that old tricktionary just isn't cutting it for me anymore. Plus, i still need to find time to film a new tricktionary. One that we would perhaps like to give away on DVD with shoes sold at the shop. But i honestly dont think thats necessary.

And what else...umm....oh, i'm currently looking up PHP coding things (which i totally do not understand, haha) to give to Trevor to code whenever hes not busy. The PHP coding will be for the pictures section (hint hint) so you guys will be able to view, rate, and comment pics.

Guys, if you have any soapshoe websites, submit them in to be put on "The scene" page of the "grinding" section.

Sorry if im rambling but im putting everything that needs to be out, out in the open.

Keep an eye out for Chatroom meeting dates. I'm going to see if trevor and i can make a schedule page for anyone who would like to join the chats...the meetings would allow us to talk about new ideas, current issues, etc. in the soaping world.

There's probably a bunch more things im working on here, but its too much to list. I'm devoting this day to getting some serious work done

Peace, im out

Nov 2, 2007AnthoFlex

Done with the new tricktionary. As i said before, its all pictures, no videos. Actual photos, not just shoe positions. Go check it out

Nov 2, 2007Megashadow77

oooooooo! Nice Renny, I like, I like.

Nov 2, 2007Altman

Supa sexy trickionary!

Nov 5, 2007AnthoFlex

bumping up.

More news folks:

New *temporary* tricktionary is up. Featuring actual photos.

Anyone who has topics they would like to discuss can post them here because i would like to get a chatroom schedule up. This meaning that although you can use the chatroom whenever you want, we would like to set up certain days where everyone can meet up to talk about that session's topic.

Currently getting the "Media Coverage" section done. Its gonna take awhile because we have to convert everything to AVI, then to FLV and code it into our cool new Soap TV -you'll see soon ;)-

So just letting you guys know that theres a lot more swag and stuff headed your way that you can find at the SSsoapshop

Nov 5, 2007SapAuthor

We're still talking to HSL to give us something to work with for the christmas season, it's a work in progress though.

Nov 5, 2007Soapdreamer

Overall we have progressed. Right? Like in the Last few weeks or something.

My birthday was this day # LAST MONTH
I just wanted to tell you guys.

Nov 5, 2007AnthoFlex

I would say that we progress almost everyday. If not, HSL wouldnt even let us sell the shoes.

Nov 5, 2007Soapdreamer

Yay progress!

What about the HSL Trip when is that happening?

Nov 6, 2007SapAuthor

the whole trip went down the drain. HSL started getting sued, and has no time for us. We are still calling them to try to get things done. Even though the trip is cancelled for now, if you havent please fill out the scorchers and broadside survey in the events page of our soapshop. We are using the data, and hopefully someday soon we'll be able to get headway and maybe some size 13 and 14 model soaps, but we never know with HSL.

Nov 6, 2007Soapdreamer

Heelys need little shoe stickers too. lol

Nov 6, 2007Page645

i think they do soapdreamer but you know attorneys they always somehow find a way around those with even the littlest things

Nov 6, 2007Altman

Well technically they do have little show sticker on the pack that the wheels come in but they trick you with it. You have to rip the sticker apart in order to get to the wheels so yeah.
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