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The old soap website
Nov 19, 2007 by firegrind

Does anyone have any pics/info of what the old soap web site was like?

Nov 19, 2007AnthoFlex

Look check out www.SSsoapshop.com and just picture the top left corner saying "soapshoes.com" instead of "SSsoapshop.com"

Nov 20, 2007Surfaced

Yeah, thats one of the coolest things about the new SSS shop. They've got it looking like the one from around 2000; they even have the flaming text.

Nov 20, 2007AnthoFlex

fuck yea ; )

Nov 20, 2007Soapdreamer

I thought trevor have safari on his mac because to me the flaming text gets cut off by a fragment of another part of the flame and the end.
And the main navigation bar for that site has an extra little bit.
Did the original soap shoes site have that?

Nov 20, 2007Soapdreamer

I thought trevor have safari on his mac because to me the flaming text gets cut off by a fragment of another part of the flame and the end.
And the main navigation bar for that site has an extra little bit.
Did the original soap shoes site have that?

Nov 20, 2007Soapdreamer

oops double post sry.

Nov 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Trev fixed it so that you can view the page with no problem on both Firefox and Internet Explorer (IE)

But safari is always gonna be a problem

Nov 20, 2007Soapdreamer

I don't get why that happened. doesn't trev use safari on his mac?

Nov 21, 2007SapAuthor

get camino for mac, u'll love it.

Nov 21, 2007Soapdreamer

Too let you know trev I have a windows operating system XP
(I heard Vista stinks) with mozilla firefox and this mac im using right now with safari.
Darn loading time on this thing trick you.Like this.
"*clicks some link and the loading pinwheel appears*Darn it must be stuck Im thinking*so i go over to the X circle thing while the pinwheel is on and click it.*The problem is that there is absolutly no response until the page you wanted anyway starts loading up and then poof its gone by the second you don't want it too close out."

Nov 21, 2007xJeremiahx

Vista does suck. It's just a bunch of bells and whistles. It especialy sucks for me(the IT guy at my company) because I have to deal with all the compatibility issues with our software and networking vista in with an XP/server 2003 environment. It's a pain in the A$$. I might get it in a year of so when all the kinks are worked out.

Nov 21, 2007AnthoFlex

Vista is pointless. Too many "wow" features, but you need like a super up to date computer with all the latest crap

Nov 21, 2007Megashadow77

Yea, your computer has to shooting roids.

Nov 22, 2007SapAuthor

i love my macbook pro. Don't have to deal with that stuff. The OS is smooth, stylish, functional, and only takes up like 200 mb (have 2 gigs). 4 hours of battery life too (5 if you shut the screen off), and no windows (unless you want it, which i don't). It was funny, while i was surfing the web, a virus self-downloaded and tried to run, but since Mac's don't run .exe files, it failed. If it was any PC, i would have been infected.

Nov 22, 2007ordnanceflint91

i have vista on my computer with no problems at all. its not hard to make vista work well if you know what youre doing. i have it networked to 2 other computers too. even have a 320gb hard drive with 2 gigs or ram....i love it so far

Nov 22, 2007sam

Vista just takes up wayyy to much space, i would say vista works well about 1/2 the time though. A really annoying feature in it is it asks "is this ok" for literally just about everything.

Nov 23, 2007Altman

Vegita: Is that okay?
Yamcha: As a matter of fact, it isn't.
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