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Fuck Solidgrind.
Nov 27, 2007 by Megashadow77

Fuck it. I'm going to SSS. I might come back here to redirect newbies in that way, but other than that, I'm done with this place until things get changed. SSS will have everything soon, even a picture section (that will be updated more than once every 4 months) So, yeah. Fuck Solidgrind.

Nov 27, 2007AnthoFlex

actually, they'll be updated as they come in. If its good enough, you can expect to see it up within a day or two

Nov 27, 2007Ronni

yeah fuck solid grind and fuck soap shoes

Nov 27, 2007iwantsoapshoes

and fuck your dad.

Nov 28, 2007Soapdreamer

Actually Ronni most members of this forum thing are going to a better designed and more effective forum of sssoapshop.Where the user name has to be judged before letting someone even post once. I like how Anthoflex and Sapauthor will have full banning privileges.
Wouldn't that GREAAAAT ronni?

Nov 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Leave Ronni alone guys, you're gonna make the little bitch cry.

Ronni, come here, come get a hug

Nov 28, 2007Soapdreamer

Ok fine but he won't give us peace.
why did this all start anyway ronni?

Nov 28, 2007Soapdreamer

Well first off though are you frikinawsome.If not do you know frickenawsome?
This all started to get real bad it was thought that you started all of this spamming.Under another username. Personally I let it go over the top only sank down to his level.And personally he made a bad first impression on me.
(the first thing i saw this guy post was"soaping is dead get a real sport")

Nov 28, 2007Ronni

im have no idea who frikinawesome is honestly. Spamming is my thing

Nov 28, 2007Soapdreamer

ok then i see the difference now.
frickenawsome is the one that posts when he's high or something.You post in more of a I hate soaps kinda way.
Do you have any sport that you do I noticed you had a scootering bails vid faved in your youtube.Do you hate them and like to see them fall off? Or do like to scooter and show some people make it look like a real sport to other people?

Nov 29, 2007Ronni

i just like to see ppl fall

Nov 29, 2007Soapdreamer

You skateboard a little bit ronni? Because I saw
a few favorites of that also.Don't worry if you are a bit amature at skate boarding.Lately I've been practicing my kickflips but i keep on missing the little flick around the bottom right
part of the nose.

Nov 29, 2007xJeremiahx

^If you havn't already check out my skateboard/soap vid.


Nov 29, 2007Ronni

yeah I skateboard some. Kickflips r a bitch to learn lol

Nov 30, 2007Soapdreamer

Yeah I know. I had a good friend who could skate board who taught me the more advanced skating tricks.And the foot placement and such.

Well then ronni before everyone thought you were just a hippocrit
because you just plain posted "soaps suck" posts and we thought that you only heelyed. Good to know that there is more to you than that.
I think the way I treated you was wrong and I want to retract my bad statements about you I made on this site.I'm sorry I treated you like you were just a jerk.

Why do you keep saying soaping is dead though. It may be so but
skateboarding was once dead for a long time but a dedicated group of people kept trying to get the word out more and more. They started doing shows and such. And now its one of the leading trick sports.

Nov 30, 2007SapAuthor

Hey all, let's stop the F-bombs and swearing.

Over the weekend we'll get the image gallery iframed into the system and send out a newsletter on it. We have more news but we need to confirm it, but let's get the system open so peopel can start submitting their photos. It's streamlined, so you can upload them yourself, and we just have to click a button to okay them.

Nov 30, 2007Ronni

yeah Im sorry I was an asshole I wont spam anymore lol

Nov 30, 2007RamenRadio

what exactly was the point of it anyway

Nov 30, 2007AnthoFlex

im not buying it. But whatever. I'm in no position to judge

Nov 30, 2007RamenRadio

I don't care, I just want derek to delete all the crap all over the places.

Jan 9, 2008RamenRadio


Jan 9, 2008RamenRadio

if everyone is sick of the shit here, go to the sssoapshop forum

it's all right here people


Jan 9, 2008RamenRadio

Jan 9, 2008RamenRadio

The SS Soap shop is heaven, this place has lost it's friendly community. Forget this, go to the other forum.


Jan 9, 2008soapitup

Serioulsy, quit being a little girl.

Jan 9, 2008RamenRadio


Jan 9, 2008RamenRadio

Seriously, other people made this thread, so don't fucking yell at me.

If you have the time to actually keep flaming and lashing out at people, you have absolutely NO FUCKING LIFE

Jan 9, 2008soapitup

You lash out much more than I do. I seem to be a bit more mature than you are. You just get angry way to fast. I think you have an anger issue. Do you have anger problems RamenRadio?

Jan 9, 2008RamenRadio

I'm taking that as you admiting you two are the same people.

That's it, Renny and I are emailing derek about you. We're sick of you hacking everyone's accounts, and hating.

Jan 9, 2008soapitup

Why did you leave the same comment on every topic? FLAMER!

Jan 9, 2008RamenRadio

Email Derek Brooks to have SOAPITUP banned.

Jan 9, 2008soapitup

Why do you want me..........BANNED?!?!?!?!?

Jan 10, 2008Soapdreamer

He hacks peoples' accounts? I can see here is just Ramenradio trying to say something about SSSoapshop and then soapitup says something completely uncalled for what i have seen and then ramen is kinda "wtfshocked" into anger about it. Does he really hack accounts?

Jan 10, 2008RamenRadio

Renny's account was hacked right before this dude made his account.

So we were thinking that he did it.

And I said a million times, Kurt and I said the same stuff over and over again to mess with him.

He's gone, so forget about it.

Jan 10, 2008AnthoFlex

i honestly think it was either my twin brother or my ex....dont ask

Jan 10, 2008RamenRadio

You're twin brother doesn't say words like soapitup did, so unless he all of a sudden started typing full words, I don't think it's him.

You're ex, I dunno.

Jan 10, 2008AnthoFlex

yea, i guess ur right

Jan 10, 2008soapitup

Keep guessing.

Jan 10, 2008Megashadow77

Well, that kinda hints that he's somebody we know......

...hmm.....He types too well to be Kile.....Kobansora?

Jan 11, 2008AnthoFlex

We're making a big deal out of nothing. Just leave it alone guys

Jan 11, 2008sam

Ya know what? I wasn't going to say anything, hoping you guys would figure this out for yourselves, but just leave them alone like renny said. They pretty much feed off of you commenting back. So if you let them comment once their done, opposed to starting an entire flamewar in one thread.
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