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Please help me!!!!!!! I BEG
Nov 28, 2007 by trone78

I need to know where to buy scabs? in size 8 in U.S I really need to know. It would be awesome if you guy could help me out.

Nov 28, 2007trone78

If anyone knows a website or like wants to sell me any kind of soap except express ill buy

Nov 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Sorry dude, finding soaps nowadays is a chore on its own.

BUt really the express arent bad at all. You're probably just looking for replaceable plate shoes huh?

Nov 28, 2007trone78

ya man...... but if you see anything just give me a shout out on this forum and ill be really happy

Nov 29, 2007RamenRadio

Go on ebay, there are a lot of scabs for a buy it now. Check it out.

Nov 29, 2007trone78

ya but ramen are there any size 8's?

Nov 29, 2007Megashadow77

there are size 8 Goas, but no size 8 scabs.

Nov 29, 2007trone78

any size 8 cleans?

Nov 29, 2007AnthoFlex

everyone goes for the replaceable plate shoes. I always tell those people:

"where are you gonna get new plates?"

Nov 29, 2007trone78

well anthoflex what kind of shoe has a size 8 "besides" express

Nov 29, 2007AnthoFlex

Hey hey cool it dude, i was just saying.

Im also telling you that finding any other shoe other that the Express is gonna be a bitch to do. You might as well just get a pair, so you can actually get out and soap, while you look for a pair of scabs

Nov 29, 2007AnthoFlex

thats what most people were forced to do anyway. Keeps your feet occupied, haha

Nov 29, 2007Megashadow77

Yeah, the Express are good. I don't like the plate, but the shoe is comfy, and super light. I can jump on handrails easy. Plus, it's good to get good on Express before getting replacable plate shoes. I favor BBKs, but the Express plate is perfectly FINE to learn in! and if you hate the look, I guarantee you, they look much better in real life.

Nov 29, 2007trone78

wow thanks both you guys and mega what color you think looks best in express?

Nov 29, 2007Megashadow77

The Gray ones.

Nov 29, 2007soapbofo

yeah dude the express rock!
I've haven't seen the white one in real life but the black and gray look great

Nov 29, 2007RamenRadio

Why do you want scabs so badly anyway? lol

I thinks scabs are ok. They aren't my favorite favorite shoes though.

Nov 29, 2007RamenRadio

There are size 9 black cleans on ebay.

Nov 29, 2007trone78

well i think im just gonna get express thanks guys!!!!!!!! now im just debating whether to get black or white?

Nov 29, 2007AnthoFlex

Whichever one you like.

I personally like the black ones. Those were my first soaps ever

Nov 29, 2007trone78

do the white ones look a little less "flashy" in real life?

Nov 29, 2007Altman

Eh, not really. I'm not a fan of the white Express. Take it from us, the black ones look the best.

Nov 29, 2007AnthoFlex

The gray ones also look awesome in real life. I actually got more props wearing my gray ones than my favorite black ones o.O

Nov 29, 2007trone78

thanks a lot guys i ordered em and you guys helped a lot

Nov 30, 2007RamenRadio

Which color did you go with?

Nov 30, 2007trone78


Nov 30, 2007RamenRadio

haha, my friend has a pair of those. They are pretty nice looking shoes. Too bad the darn guy doesn't even use them. What a waste man....

Treat your express right.
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