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Dec 2, 2007 by SapAuthor

Heck yeah! The mission's halfway over all. We just got the confirmation, HSL is manufacturing size 13 Express Grey and Black, and we'll have a full restock (minus white 11s and 12s which are discontinued) this february!

Not to mention the new sssoapshop image system and forum design.

I'm pumped! Those who have the newsletter, check it out! Those who don't, sign up!

Dec 2, 2007RamenRadio

That is awesome, another shoe size.

However, why are the size 11 and 12 discontinued?

Dec 2, 2007Page645

wtf????? y the hell size 11's,and 12's????? y not sizes 3's and 4's?????

Dec 2, 2007AnthoFlex

You guys know what this means right?

up next......

Scorchers Broadsides

; )

Dec 2, 2007AnthoFlex

Guys, the whites of those sizes is discontinued

Dec 3, 2007RamenRadio

Our bad


Dec 3, 2007Megashadow77

and Keith pops in for 2 seconds. (trav, get on AIM)

Dec 3, 2007RamenRadio

Hold on

Dec 3, 2007xJeremiahx

....and I planned to buy a pair of whites when they came in. That sucks. Oh well. maybe I will buy a pair or 13 greys.

Dec 4, 2007Page645

wat can i say? im a freaking popup

Dec 4, 2007RamenRadio

Guilty as charged.

Dec 7, 2007RamenRadio

I'm still curious, why is white express in size 11 and 12 discontinued?

Dec 7, 2007Go2Crew

The answer is simply that HSL has decided in this upcoming production, which is to be delivered in Feb 2008, they have only ordered production in Express Blacks and Express Greys. There is no production scheduled for Express White in any size and as they are already out-of-stock in Express White size 11 and size 12, there will not be any in the near future (at least 6 months, if at all). Current inventory in the Express Whites is available in sizes 3 through 10. Next size to be running-out? ... Size 10. Get 'em while they are hot, dude.


Dec 7, 2007AnthoFlex

Hmm.....if the Whites are gonna be discontinued

Then that means.....


*runs to lab*

Dec 7, 2007SapAuthor

I don't get it lol.

Dec 7, 2007iluv2spam

He's running to his lab to jack off over a pair of gray express, so ssshitshop can sell whites again!

Dec 7, 2007vault

so is this how shoes get disc. well no sacrifice no victory.

Dec 7, 2007RamenRadio

Oh, thanks Steve. Hey while you have some time, I'd like to ask you a question. I'll send you an email.

Thanks for the reply.

As for white express, I have a pair in 11, so I don't need any express in white.

Dec 7, 2007AnthoFlex

iluv2spam, want me to send you my jacking off video?

gimme your email

Dec 8, 2007Page645

OOOooOOoooooOo i want to see it too!! XD

thats just wrong lol

Dec 8, 2007RazorandBlade

I hope this isn't a joke cause I cant find an affordable pair of soaps anywhere.... Good job to steve though for the plates thanks bro!

Dec 9, 2007SapAuthor

Razor, our shop is no joke. You won't find soaps any lower cost.

Dec 9, 2007AnthoFlex

Razor, why would the shop be a joke

That is, IF you are referring to the shop as a "joke"

Dec 30, 2007Tatacker

Hey guys. After a while, I am back. (my Scabs are starting to rip apart haha)

Anyway, will you have a black Express in size 10 or 11, SapAuthor? (sadly I do not know the name fellow Soapers know you by)

And, how much are each pair?

Dec 30, 2007AnthoFlex

We will have the black 10's and 11's by February.

10's and 11's cost $55.75 + shipping
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