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Next potential Soap demo in Buffalo, NY?
Dec 14, 2007 by AnthoFlex

My good friend Sam Sztuk (Sam here on SG) Has let me know that he is able to set up a soap demo down in Buffalo, NY where he lives.

If i get the ok, imma see if i can head over there with waivers and the 5 demo shoes that i have.

Of course the whole thing is still in planning. He'll hit me up with the details tomorrow. So sit tight people. We got another big one on the way

Dec 14, 2007Megashadow77


Dec 14, 2007AnthoFlex

The more demos we do, the even more we are able to do in other places.

So for anyone who can find a rent-able skate park in your area:

Get out there, show them your stuff. Ask them if you can do a demo there

Dec 14, 2007Spano565

THIS SUX!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHH I CANT GO THERE CUZ I CANT DRIVE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!AND I CANT GET A ride this suckks man.But good for you guys im still tryin to plan out my demo.

Dec 14, 2007Liam1

Hello am new to this, but i got to say that It sucks, Theirs no place like this in scotland would have been good if I stayed in america i quess.

Dec 14, 2007xJeremiahx

Man. I have a skate park all to myself where I could hold a demo. I just don't have anyone to participate and I have no demo shoes.

Dec 14, 2007sam

Yeah, if i dont get a reply by the end of the day today, ill call but there usually really quick in responding.

Dec 15, 2007JeiHeirumaru

Shoot,I'm back In GA... I woulda had my Grandpa take me there,or somethin'.

Dec 15, 2007blakeashake

Woot i live in buffalo let me know more details ill be there!!!!

Dec 15, 2007AnthoFlex

Once i get the ok, we'll set up a hot date (date in which there would be a lot of people)

i'll get some waivers printed

and i already checked how much a round trip ticket to buffalo is gonna cost if i book early. $112 total.

I'll see if i can get HSL to cover that. After all, i AM supporting THEIR product

Dec 16, 2007blakeashake

Nice its about time something decent happens in buffalo!

Dec 16, 2007RamenRadio

you should talk to Sam, he lives in Buffalo too.

Contact him blakeashake!

Dec 17, 2007AnthoFlex

Sam, any word yet? I really would like this to go through

Dec 17, 2007RamenRadio

Guys, is there any kind of date in mind yet? I need to make sure if I am free at all.

Dec 17, 2007AnthoFlex

U wanna go make the trip with me then? I'm flying there in plane.

Dec 17, 2007RamenRadio

Sounds cool with me! haha

Dec 17, 2007AnthoFlex

go on aim, if you read this

Dec 17, 2007blakeashake

Sam told me about it before i even read the post on here.

Dec 17, 2007SpiderSoaper

is there a way to have a demo at Jersey gardens mall? it's near the Newark international airport, anyone familiar?

Dec 17, 2007RamenRadio

Nope, sorry bro.

Dec 17, 2007AnthoFlex

If a demo spot is within reach for me, i'll take the time and travel.

I just need people to get out there and start looking around, asking people, getting people to help.

Then we can do demos anywhere

Dec 17, 2007iwantsoapshoes


Dec 17, 2007SapAuthor

Uk...dunno about that yet. It still may be pricey for shipping, although i think the UK exchange rate is still extremely in UK favor, meaning 80 USD is like 40 GBP. But we would need to send out or get a set of demo shoes. My guess is if anyone over there would be the embassador of SOAP, it would be Stu

Dec 17, 2007AnthoFlex

Trev, its been a year already. Tell Steve to get HSL to get us 5 more demo shoes. Black this time.

And also, we would need two more in size 13. One black, one gray

Dec 17, 2007SpiderSoaper

Antho if you can set up a demo at Jersey gardens mall, it's a popular a mall and it's pretty big, they have a pacsun, journeys and journeys kidz, i'll gladly help you out making and handing flyers, i'll bring my rails as well, we can also have oNe or tWo on their tv's they have. So if you can i say lets do it and i'll be there, i would do it but i would need help and your good at it and u work for HSL so u have it better.

Dec 17, 2007SpiderSoaper

*i would do it on my own but...

Dec 18, 2007RamenRadio

Sounds cool to me. As long as I could get there somewhat cheap, I'm up for offering some help.

What says you Renny?

Dec 18, 2007AnthoFlex

What says me about what?

Dec 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

about my idea for Jersey Gardens Mall

Dec 18, 2007AnthoFlex

If spider can get us a place to set up and stuff, yea that would be great.

Dec 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

so you think i shuld ask journeys? Antho how would you do it? i should talk to the manager first of course

Dec 18, 2007RamenRadio

Is there a place for us to hit some spots there, or is it just to introduce soap shoes to Journeys again?

Dec 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

there are some decoration things, i cant explain wat they are, but people sit on them and i've soaped e'm, they are like some type of artistic benches with funny shapes and alot of them

Dec 18, 2007AnthoFlex

We cant just go into a mall and start hitting stuff thats already there. We have to bring our own rails. Unless this was a skate park, thats a different story

Dec 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

well i hit up thoe things, but yea like i said above imma bring my 2 rails, and Jersey gardens mall's neighboor RexPlex had a skate park but was closed in 2005, but yea Ramen we arent introducing them to just Journeys but to the shoppers, we can even have petetions for people to sign

Dec 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

and Antho if we do get this demo going, are you bringing your Broadsides, i wanna see em in real life

Dec 18, 2007AnthoFlex

lmao. I never go to a demo without em

Dec 18, 2007Altman

Sounds cool. If you can get this thing off the ground then I'm all for it.

Dec 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

alright my last comments were from skool ,and now i'm home, so yea wow it sounds like this demo will happen, and finally i can go to one ever since i couldnt go to the one in April, so yea check mapquest to see if the mall isnt to far from you guys in NY, it shouldnt be that far the Airport that is near the mall borders part of NY and Newark, and the mall is in Elizabeth NJ, any body have other ideas? i'll check maybe this weekend wen i go christmas shopping, i'll see if journeys will let us, so yea anything else before i go to them?

Dec 19, 2007DG

Hey Megashadow777 i got some buds in the British mafia that we can get us some flight tickets... rly

Dec 20, 2007SpiderSoaper


Dec 20, 2007sam

Ok, looks like this is almost set in stone. Shes just gotta email me back with when we could set it up. Is there any definite day you'd prefer to come up renny?

Dec 20, 2007SpiderSoaper

Renny wen i go to Journeys, should i have them contact you?

Dec 20, 2007AnthoFlex

To spider:


To Sam:

Everyone help think of a good day in early March. Also, even ask Virginia what would be a hot date (with lots of people) in early March

Dec 20, 2007AnthoFlex

The reason for early March because:

- By then we'll have size 13's

- 7 New demo shoes added to our already existing 5 shoes

- Plane tickets are extremely cheap in march for jetblue+ you book in advanced and it'll be even cheaper.

Let Virginia know that i already have a sample waiver if she wants to take a look at it. I'm able to fax a copy to her.

Stickers, Promo videos, and swag shouldn't be a problem. We're going to see if we can get a few shirts printed from HSL for the event.

Xtreme wheels sk8 park also has media covering events there all the time. Looks like an awesome way to help out soap. News media, yay

so yea, im already working on a new events page, newsletter (sign up for those who havent), and getting everything together for the big date in March

Dec 20, 2007SpiderSoaper

Alright i'll have them contact you, by phone or email or somthing? And is there anything else u should tell me before i go

Dec 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Just have em email me or call me, that should be fine

Dec 20, 2007blakeashake

Sick! The soap demo isn't just a bunch of talk!
Make sure you let me know the date its going happen because I'm going to go. And even if the news media teams don't show up u can always call and they will send someone out for the story.

Dec 20, 2007Spano565

Spirder are you talking about Garden State mall cuz if you are ill def be there

Dec 20, 2007SpiderSoaper

sorry spano not that mall but this mall


but still hit it up and look on mapquest.com for directions, blakeshake the news media does sound good but ask antho on that i jus wanna plan the demo and anything else antho wants to do he knows mostly what to do, but it's a good idea

Dec 20, 2007Spano565

How in hell do i not remember that mall i think its in Elisabith correct me if im wrong

Dec 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Iight guys, sit tight. We're waiting for a response from "Xtreme Wheels" skate park.

And yea, this is looking extremely promising.

...they seemed to be more siked than we are to do a demo there, haha

But yea. I'm calling up my people, contacting my people, and doing what i can here to get everything set up.

So far, i have waivers, and stickers, and 5 demo shoes covered. Theres still a lot more that has to be done

Dec 20, 2007Spano565

i got to see if someone in my family can give me a ride

Dec 20, 2007SpiderSoaper

Yea Spano it is in Elizabeth, so most likely we'll see u there, antho u think i should call Journeys instead of going there in person and having to wait?

Dec 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Going there in person would probably be better

Dec 20, 2007AnthoFlex

but don't stress yourself if you dont need to. Remember, we are going to be a little busy with this demo in Buffalo

Dec 20, 2007SpiderSoaper

ight it's cool, just inform me of anything else

Dec 31, 2007mets603412

i wanna go so bad but i dunt know how to get the $$$$$$$$


Dec 31, 2007AnthoFlex

On the other thread you offered up $100 for the X factors....

Maybe you should save that up if you really wanna go to the demo

Dec 31, 2007Altman

Hey Renny, do you know if the park is in downtown Buffalo? My uncle wants to know since my cousin's hockey tournament is there later in March.

Dec 31, 2007mets603412

it's not for me, it for nick
he's impatient about the broadsides don't matter though cause someone already has a better offer than him

Jan 1, 2008RamenRadio


I was going to say Kurt, those shoes probably won't fit ya.

Besides, it's the same grind plate as the Mr. Wilsons. It looks exactly the same. The shoes are way sexy though

Jan 1, 2008Spano565

Pretty close Ramen but i have X-factors, (No Lie.)and Mr.wilsons, and mr. wilsons are slightly narrower(atleast to me.)And for anyone who wants to know i'm gettin pictures, and i'm not selling either oh and happy new years 08!!!Yup it's 08!!!!

Jan 1, 2008Spano565

i meant the grind plate was slightly narrower.my bad

Jan 1, 2008sam

Nah man, its not in downtown buffalo
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