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Oh sht
Dec 24, 2007 by Soapdreamer


tech info:
0x000000ED (0x81BE1230, 0xc000009c, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

Dad will freak! Help plz.

Dec 24, 2007Soapdreamer

Posting from Mac
:( :( :0:( :( ;(:( :( :0:( :( :(

Dec 24, 2007SpiderSoaper


Dec 24, 2007SpiderSoaper

little creepy

Dec 24, 2007Page645

dude 3 letters and several dots:


Dec 24, 2007SpiderSoaper


Dec 24, 2007Page645

im on a mac and this shit dont happen to me

Dec 24, 2007RamenRadio

Dude, where'd you go

Dec 24, 2007Page645


Dec 24, 2007RamenRadio

You left the chat room.

Dec 24, 2007RamenRadio

And this stuff could happen on mac OS 9

Trevor might know about that

Dec 24, 2007Soapdreamer

I gotz the evil blue screen of death telling me i've got an Unmountable Boot volume. This seems to be a common blue screen of death error but i can't fix becaue my cd won't boot maybe if i try again with another boot disk.

Dec 24, 2007RamenRadio

Keith, someone is spamming you on Michaels chat box

Dec 24, 2007Soapdreamer

bTW the thingys with the post about the mac are emotes

Dec 24, 2007Soapdreamer

went to microsoft and it told me to do something like chkdsk /r
and stuff happened more to report later.

Dec 24, 2007RamenRadio

Sorry about the chat box thing.

Dec 24, 2007Soapdreamer

many hours later: 75% complete then OMFG done.

Dec 24, 2007blakeashake

lmafao hahaha sux for you dude!

Dec 24, 2007Page645

wait u brought a mac to microsoft!?!?!?!?!?

Dec 24, 2007AnthoFlex

Macs, in all their twisty, insaney, crazy hex decimals (or whatever those are) that noone cares.

Thats why Antho says:

"Get a PC..........actually, get what you want, i don't care"

Dec 25, 2007Soapdreamer

all done the blue screen of death was fixed yesterday when i said omfg done.

We have. 1 mac and one p.c. in the same room and a p.c. trying to be set up for Christmas in my room. But i just earlier heard that the only way to have wired separate modems working for different computers is to pay DOUBLE for the extra connection.So I think I just have to wireless connect to the orignal modem.

Dec 25, 2007RamenRadio

Um, buy a router?

Dec 25, 2007AnthoFlex

Trav, if you read this, go on AIM

Dec 25, 2007xJeremiahx

Yeah dude. Buy a router with a 4 port switch. Your modem will hook up to the internet port on the router. Your ISP will only know about this port. From there you can connect as many PCs as you have ports using that same intenet connection.

Dec 25, 2007RamenRadio

yeah, we dunno what the bloodly hell you're talking about XD

Seriously, just get a router.

Dec 25, 2007xJeremiahx

haha, sorry. I assume people know what I am talking about. It makes sence in my head. Damn us IT guys.......

Dec 25, 2007RamenRadio

No no no! Not you Jeremiah!

I'm talking about soapdreamer, having to pay for two different internet connections JUST to get two computers connected to the internet.

I got exactly what you were saying man. A router is the way to go, and you said it much more professional than I could. Props lol

Dec 25, 2007RamenRadio

I can't believe soap dreamer was going to pay for TWO internet connections though!

Dang man, Jeremiah saved you some cash right there. :P

Get a wired router btw
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