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December 2007 SS Newsletter
Dec 25, 2007 by AnthoFlex

Sup people, AnthoFlex here. Here’s the latest news going on in the world of Soapshoes:

Event News:

If you’ve been on SolidGrind and the SS forum recently, you are surely aware that another soapshoes demo has been announced. It will take place on Sunday March 2nd, 2008 in Buffalo, NY. It will be held in “Xtreme Wheels” Indoor skate-park. The biggest indoor skate-park on the west-side New York.

I have put up a brand new events page, and a demo page with all the details, including links to the skate-park’s website and links to download the waivers. Yea seriously, don’t forget about the waivers, you need to sign both the skate-park wavier AND Soap demo waivers to participate. If you are wondering what happened to the Scorcher/Broadside forms, don’t worry, I still kept them up there, and they are still easily accessible.

Oh, before I forget, if the scorcher/broadside forms are still there when you go to events, hit “refresh” or F5 on your keyboard to view the changes.

Shop News:

As you are all aware, our new shipment of soaps will be arriving in February. The new shipment includes the long-awaited Size 13 Express as well as a COMPLETE restock of all the other sizes. The size 13’s will be available in the black, and gray color-ways. So get em while they’re still hot and fresh outta the oven! And also while they’re available, those shoes are gonna go FAST…Seriously

Expanding our inventory? You may soon find shirts and replacement grind-plates on the shop. Maybe some other stuff as well. Perhaps stickers and banners too. The entire thing is still in negotiation, but shouldn’t be too much of a problem. So keep those fingers crossed and keep an eye out for your inbox. Because you know we always hook you up with the info first.

So I guess that’s pretty much it for now, I gotta get back to work making calls and getting things done for the demo. But before I go, Steve, Trevor, and I wanna wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and here’s to another powerful year for SOAP as we go into the ’08.

Keep on soapin’

Dec 25, 2007AnthoFlex

Here's the link to the events page:


Dec 25, 2007SpiderSoaper

wow new plates, my black bbks are slow but arent worn down yet and i dont wanna use my blue bbks, so yea new plates would be cool hopefully the shop gets 'em, and i wanna try out curb busters
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