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waxing issues
Dec 31, 2007 by aplauche

i have some new expresses on the way.

which surfaces require wax to be grinded and which do not for these shoes?

Dec 31, 2007Altman

Any course or rough surfaces will require wax. A way to determine this is by doing the "rub test". Take your grind plate and very gently slide it across the surface. If any friction is felt, the surface must be waxed.

Dec 31, 2007aplauche

so curbs require wax, rails not so much

like on a skateboard

Jan 1, 2008xJeremiahx

yeah, think of it like you where going to boardslide someting. The grind plates tend to slide about the same amount as wood decks.

Jan 6, 2008iwantsoapshoes

dude you can grind a curb? i just get a load screech from my trucks and get thrown of my deck

Jan 6, 2008watyawant

sorry, grind plate?

Jan 6, 2008Megashadow77

....do you have any idea what this site is about?

Jan 6, 2008Altman

Well he must know since he ordered a pair of Express.

watyawant, the grind plate is the plastic thing in the arch of the shoe that actually enables you to grind. Without grind plates, you're pretty much stuck with regular shoes.

Jan 6, 2008Megashadow77

How do you know he ordered Expresses?

Jan 6, 2008Altman

waxing issues
Dec 31, 2007 by aplauche

i have some new expresses on the way.

which surfaces require wax to be grinded and which do not for these shoes?

Jan 6, 2008Megashadow77

Jan 6, 2008Megashadow77

Jan 6, 2008Megashadow77

wtf, why can't I post?

Jan 6, 2008Megashadow77

Jan 6, 2008Megashadow77

dude, aplauche said that, not watyawant......

Jan 6, 2008Altman

Oh, my bad.
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