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To my boy's in Tennessee, Alabama, and Arkansas
Feb 7, 2008 by AnthoFlex Yo, you dudes alright? I just heard knews that super massive killer tornado's just ripped through those states. You guys alright? Just sound off Replies
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Feb 7, 2008RamenRadio
Seriously guys! Speak up!
Feb 7, 2008AnthoFlex
Just sound off when you read these dudes
Feb 7, 2008RamenRadio
Feb 7, 2008matrix8967
and before i left the house, i looked at my line of soaps and said "they still make express, i can loose those. ords and scabs are on ebay a lot...but those cleans...*grab*
but yeah, i'm fine. i appreciate the concern :D
Feb 7, 2008RamenRadio
I hope you didn't lose your shoes though :(
Feb 7, 2008xJeremiahx
Feb 7, 2008Megashadow77
Feb 8, 2008ordnanceflint91
Feb 8, 2008matrix8967
i used to be so afraid of storms and tornadoes, and all that...but i'm not really anymore.
because it's going to happen regardless of whether or not i'm afraid of it. and the stuff i would loose is just stuff. if i have time, i'll nab my soaps and my harddrive...but that's about all i'd take. and that's if time allows.
that's not to say i'd be happy about losing all my stuff...but that's just it...it's just stuff...
i reject the value of material possessions for spiritual enlightenment :D lol
Feb 8, 2008DarkVermillion
Sorry guys. D:
Nah, I'm just sick at the moment with a massive headache. XD So I'm fine.
Feb 9, 2008Hattmac02
Feb 10, 2008Megashadow77
Jay, that made me laugh XD