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For those waiting for the restock of the SSsoapshop
Feb 22, 2008 by AnthoFlex

I want to apologize myself and on the behalf of Steve and Trevor. I was supposed to release info on the 18th (3 days ago) regarding the restock of the shop. The problem is, HSL was late on a shipment so they havent gotten here yet. They should however, be here by later today, tomorrow or by sunday.

Along with the restock, theres a bunch of news (ALL good btw) that i need to share with everyone who soaps. But I'm waiting until the shoes get here for the restock to spill every last bean.

So sit tight people, we're getting them, and i'll make a new thread when they get here.

And once again, sorry for the inconvenience

Feb 22, 2008DarkVermillion

That's what I love about SOAPs, we're ALWAYS informed. :]

Feb 22, 2008AnthoFlex

And if anyone thinks the rest of the news is just "good" news, i assure you, think again.

...its probably the best damn news we've had in a while

Feb 22, 2008Kain


What new ones are coming in? =D

Feb 22, 2008DarkVermillion

The sames one.
The express. D:

Feb 22, 2008Kain


*wants broadsides*

Feb 22, 2008DarkVermillion

They won't be coming till Antho and SaP leave to HSL.

Feb 22, 2008SpiderSoaper

that suks...... hurry up shoes!!! i wanna hear the news!!!

Feb 22, 2008Soapdreamer

I was kinda wondering why nothing happened on the date you mentioned.

Feb 22, 2008xJeremiahx

Can't wait man. I bet it's hard for you to keep quiet.

Feb 22, 2008AnthoFlex

You have no idea Jeremiah (-_-)

Feb 22, 2008SpiderSoaper

if u know for sure the shoes are being delivered, y not just tell the news?

Feb 22, 2008SpiderSoaper

actually, forget wat i said

Feb 22, 2008SpiderSoaper

whoah wat happened to the Heelys is dead forum made by Ramen? are the admins back?

Feb 25, 2008RamenRadio

I asked Louis to delete it. It wasn't going to get the spam guy off, so I talked to Louis.

He SOMETIMES comes around I guess.
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