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May 2, 2008 by MiTcH1337

Well, I went over to the high school for my brothers Tennis match, but mainly to soap this ledge I adore.

I was grinding it for a good 5 minutes throwing in some UFOs and Cab Drivers, when a kid standing outside yells "Yo! Are those Soap Shoes?" I responded "Yeah" and he was rather amazed.

Too bad i didnt put my cards/stickers in my wallet earlier i could of gave him a card

May 3, 2008Kain

awesome. Looks like the word's spreading

May 3, 2008MiTcH1337


Id be damned if he didnt see any of my sticker lying around town.

May 4, 2008AuraGrind

I could see soaping catching on in a few more years. Just gotta be patient.

May 9, 2008liljiggy

Well, im' pushing a lot on sk8parks near Montreal and Joliette, a lot of people wants to know what kind of shoes i wear to do that... and i lie everytime (Bad Me) to say, oh it's soap shoes so they get to know this grinding style to make it like, more popular...

But i would like to know what is the problem of most of Sk8ters... when they see me grind with my shoes, they go like: *Oh i don't have anything agaisnt bladers, but this... this is so gay*,

Just like they think sk8ting is the only thing in the world... HEY lol, i suck at skate... And anyways, im' not the kind of guy that likes to run after his plywood pieace with some sand paper and wheels...

I don't say i don't like skate, but, why they hating everything else like that? I mean, it's just showing how they are in their little universe (I know that's not the case of all skaters) and they aren't open people at all !!!

May 28, 2008kevinkrg6

It doesn't matter what people think about you. If you want to use your soap shoes at the skate park, then go do it. No one can stop you but you.

Jun 1, 2008mgm

Most skate parks don't allow you to be there unless you have a board or inline skates. They are called skate parks for a reason.

Jun 1, 2008MiTcH1337

Thus you bring a walmart skateboard, and soap.

Jun 4, 2008kevinkrg6

I don't see why the skatepark would have any problem with you using soaps there. As long as your not bothering anyone. THe skatepark by me doesn't care. Their just like inline skates without the wheels.
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