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May 3, 2008 by AuraGrind

Hello people. I've only recently discovered the art of "soaping" (I don't get out much) and I am very interested. If you could, could you please tell me where I could find some soaping shoes at, and also what's good for someone starting out. I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

May 4, 2008Spano565

Welcome to Solidgring Aura, it's always great to have new people.Yeah you can order from there or look for soaps on ebay. Also read this - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soap_shoes so you know more about the company SOAP and their shoes. Hope this site is useful for you.And don't be afraid to post just use the search button if you have a question and if you get no results ask on the forum. - Joe P.S - I highly reccomend you get the express soap shoe in my opinion they're great multi-purpose shoes, plus they grind great.If you can order them as soon as possible, you won't regret it.

May 4, 2008Spano565

I meant, Order them as soon as possible, you won't regret it.Also to add on to it get them at www.SSsoapshop.com/ for the lowest priced express shoe. - Joe

May 4, 2008wyattpeterson


May 4, 2008SapAuthor

Just a head sup we ship on weekends cuz' steve is out of town on business, so if you order and want them faster, select faster shipping (the one up from priority) so when we ship next weekend, they should arrive within the following week days.

Happy SOAPing dude, have fun with em.

May 4, 2008AnthoFlex

"happy soaping"?

oh geez

May 4, 2008Kain


soaping makes me happy


May 4, 2008AnthoFlex

I try to push myself away as far as possible from heelys, heely sayings, and anything heely related...thanx

May 4, 2008Kain

.....who said anything about that?......

May 4, 2008iwantsoapshoes

ppl, kain, ppl.

May 4, 2008Megashadow77

I too am confused.

If you mean that Happy Soaping is somehow Heely related.........Then DAMN DUDE. You're Paranoid.

May 4, 2008Spano565

Renny thinks by saying happy soaping that would sound to him like something HSL would say to a consumer.But all trey was basically saying was have fun out there soaping.

May 4, 2008Kain

....if that's really what he thought........then he really is paranoid XD

May 4, 2008Spano565

That's just my guess i'm not gonna say that's what he thought because i'm just taking a stab in the dark that's all.I didn't find anything wrong with Happy soaping but w/e let's not press this, there's no reason to.

May 4, 2008AnthoFlex

Reading this off of a box of Heelys i found in the trash outside...

"Be very safe and Have FUN! Happy Heeling !!" (and the two !! have make smiley face on the bottom)

I'm not paranoid. I just get sick of hearing certain things when talking about soapshoes.

You don't go to skate and blading forums and see "Happy skating!"

May 4, 2008AnthoFlex

theres also a shitload more of shit, but Trev is my boy, so i cant put him on the spot

May 6, 2008AuraGrind


May 6, 2008Spano565

Completley mistifying isn't Aura, anyway did the wiki page clear anyhing up.Update us.

May 6, 2008AuraGrind

Thanks! It filled me in on a lot of stuff.

I'm a little disappointed at the reaction I got when I asked the folks at school. People either got mad or bust out laughing. Although I did find a few people that soaped in the past. And when I showed my parents, they thought I was crazy.

(sigh) I guess soaping didn't catch on well in the South.

May 6, 2008Spano565

Don't worry do what you like, and show your friends trhe oNe and tWo vids in the "Merry Christmas" thread and ask them if they think soaping is weak.As for your parents, they'll come around. (Hopefully.) Like my dad thought i was nuts to soap and thought fags grind rails, and curbs with shoes.But when he saw the oNe vid he was hooked from there.Now he says he'll take me to any soap demos in Ny/Nj or maybe PA.So keep do'in what you like and deffinatley order the express on SSS they're the chepest and one of the best soaps ever produced in my opinion even tho they don't got replaceable plates.
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