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May 3, 2008 by AuraGrind Hello people. I've only recently discovered the art of "soaping" (I don't get out much) and I am very interested. If you could, could you please tell me where I could find some soaping shoes at, and also what's good for someone starting out. I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you. Replies
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May 4, 2008MiTcH1337
May 4, 2008Spano565
May 4, 2008Spano565
May 4, 2008wyattpeterson
May 4, 2008SapAuthor
Happy SOAPing dude, have fun with em.
May 4, 2008AnthoFlex
oh geez
May 4, 2008Kain
soaping makes me happy
May 4, 2008AnthoFlex
May 4, 2008Kain
May 4, 2008iwantsoapshoes
May 4, 2008Megashadow77
If you mean that Happy Soaping is somehow Heely related.........Then DAMN DUDE. You're Paranoid.
May 4, 2008Spano565
May 4, 2008Kain
May 4, 2008Spano565
May 4, 2008AnthoFlex
"Be very safe and Have FUN! Happy Heeling !!" (and the two !! have make smiley face on the bottom)
I'm not paranoid. I just get sick of hearing certain things when talking about soapshoes.
You don't go to skate and blading forums and see "Happy skating!"
May 4, 2008AnthoFlex
May 6, 2008AuraGrind
May 6, 2008Spano565
May 6, 2008AuraGrind
I'm a little disappointed at the reaction I got when I asked the folks at school. People either got mad or bust out laughing. Although I did find a few people that soaped in the past. And when I showed my parents, they thought I was crazy.
(sigh) I guess soaping didn't catch on well in the South.
May 6, 2008Spano565