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Soap = Deos?
May 4, 2008 by MiTcH1337

Lmao i just realized while playing with this Soap sticker i got. Was deos named because its soap rotated?

May 4, 2008Spano565

Nahh, dude it was a team from Delaware who are no longer together, but were sick back in the day.Their soap crew was amazing.

May 4, 2008Spano565

Lol, i never noticed that soap spellt like that, nice find i guess. soap = deos. - Joe

May 4, 2008mets603412


Deleware (DE) Outcast Soapers

and yes that is how they got their name. They noticed how the sticker was spelt upside down, and they thought what DEOS would stand for

May 4, 2008Spano565

Oh i thought it just stood for Delaware Outcast Soapers.Pretty cool fact mets.

May 4, 2008MiTcH1337

Ahh ok.

May 4, 2008wyattpeterson

thats genius lol


No offence, but you guys are bloody morons, lol, it took you that long to figure out that Deos is Soap upside down,haven't you looked at the tounge of your Soap and seen the pill logo upside down, I guess that's what Deos saw and decided to make it thier own, I guess they were lucky that they were from Delaware.

May 4, 2008Spano565

Who gives 2 shits (I mean really do you have to knit pick.), that i never noticed it it's not a big deal anyway. And i put black sharpie over the pill logo so it would blend in with the tounge. And none taken.

May 4, 2008AnthoFlex

yo scorcher freak, you're the only moron if you couldn't realize that Mitch JUST got into soaping less than 2 fuckin weeks ago. Stop bashing people

May 4, 2008wyattpeterson

yea man that was kinda mean lol

May 4, 2008AnthoFlex

And honestly, you wouldnt have known that either unless you would've seen the DEOS videos or the modified upside down on on this picture:


You woulda just looked at the Soap pill logo and go "Its just an upside down logo"


lol, Renny, if you didn't see, I said 'No Offence' which obviously means no offence meant. I'm not trying to bash or flame people.

May 5, 2008rhinoskater30

ya, an upside down sticker, you can write it out too

ok turn deos upside with the 's' in from then the 'o' then the 'e' then the 'd'. It looks like 'soap', just flipped.

wicked weird huh
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