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UKFSW possible summer reunion?
May 14, 2008 by ZOMGSCORCHERS

Hey, people from UKFSW, do think you guys will meet during this summer? I would like to jam with you guys are some other UK soapers.


*or some other UK soapers.


Urm, Dunk? Louis???? HELLO? ANYONE?

May 16, 2008Louis

I don't know. Probably not.... I have my skateboard racing and university, dunk has various other things, and mart has his music career among other things, and I don't personally know what jim and fordy are up to these days...... I'll ask around though and suggest it. maybe we can work something out between us, but don't hold out too much hope.
Where about are you based?

May 16, 2008Spano565

So Mart finally pursued his dream of playing air cello eh?But seriously UKFSW is basiclly dead, well for a while now right Louis?

May 16, 2008Louis

hehe, he's doing something like that.

Well, UKFSW is in sleep mode. We've all got other things going on in our lives that have taken over from soap shoes, but the love is still there (and the 20+ miniDV tapes full of unseen footage are still there too...)

May 16, 2008anaholaboys

i would love to goto the uk for some parkour classes

how is it up there anyways? you see alot of people jumping from building to building?


Replying to Louis, I live in East Sussex (about an hour train ride from London). Anaholaboys, depends where you live, I don't see many people doing parkour (shame) and two of the people who do it near where I live are purists. However, more people are doing it where I live.

May 17, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Yep, looks like Interlocks gonna be the next Cradle Of Filth(Who i hate with an inhuman passion).

May 19, 2008mgm

Looks like he needs a hair cut.

May 19, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Me thinks Marty's taking this a little bit seriously. I mean, come on, look at that get-up. Marty, you are playing METAL, not super-punkrocker-goth-physco-genocide-metal.

May 19, 2008iwantsoapshoes

*Little bit too

May 19, 2008AnthoFlex

i dunno about a "little bit too serious" if you have a passion about something, you fuckin go for it.

Look at me and soaps. Most people who try and rat on me give me the whole "they're just shoes bro, calm down" speech.

These things are easily ignored though when what you have extreme passion for takes flight. Then you are in control no matter what.

Plus, i've heard some of Interlock's shit. It's pretty sick stuff. I wouldn't make fun of it
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