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how to make skate wax
Aug 18, 2005 by Matt


Aug 19, 2005awesomedude

u need a traned profeshonal 2 make wax

Sep 10, 2005red_wing

And YOU need a grammar/spelling proffesional.

Sep 19, 2005AleX

dude fucking buy some
you can get a stick of surf wax for like a buck

Feb 13, 2006RightFlank96

Use candles, they work just fine.

Mar 6, 2006broox

what's a proffesional?

Mar 8, 2006Mart

I thought it was professional

Mar 11, 2006iGrind

Candles. Not as good as company wax but it works.

Apr 17, 2006AnthoFlex

Dude candles are the best....Lolz 1 dollar..come on

Apr 18, 2006mgm


May 6, 2006mgm

May 6, 2006mgm

I used to use Emerica wax in the shape of a bar of soap but I lost it. Now I have to use those stupid number candles.

May 6, 2006mgm

Candle wax seems to scrape off easier and it leaves a whole bunch of residue on the plates.

May 6, 2006AnthoFlex

Actually thats true...all that resadue suks

May 8, 2006Primal

Get professional skate wax. It's designed to give the best results over candles and won't leave residue. If you want a cheap grind, I'd use candles as well (and mostly do). But if you're after looking good and having a clean (literally) grind, I'd go for professional wax.

May 24, 2006onthegrindduude

Just fricken buy it are you broke or something.???
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