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Soap Posters For Sale
Jan 25, 2010 by AnthoFlex

*Picture Below*

I have 5 Soap posters that I'm selling, they're all the same. They feature Paul Cifuentes from the original Team Soap doing a frontside on a high ledge in China.

They measure 16 inches by 24 inches

I'm selling each one for $15

I ONLY have 5. Once they're gone, they're GONE. So pick em up now.

On a side note:

If anyone is interested in buying stickers or some lightly used express (sizes 8-12), let me know, I'm thinking about letting go of some of my old stuff. But the posters have to go first.

Email me at AnthoFlex@yahoo.com if you're interested. I only do cash and paypal.



Jan 25, 2010sylonbroadsides

I was just about to post this lol

Jan 25, 2010sylonbroadsides

P.S. Welcome back Renny!

Jan 25, 2010Brad

Rad! Welcome back Renny!!

Jan 26, 2010Brad

Sexy Prabas btw.

Jan 26, 2010Brad

Oh yeah, how much those stickers goin' for?

Jan 26, 2010Ironbug

I just noticed!
if it isn't too late, the Expresses?:)

Jan 26, 2010AnthoFlex

iron what size are you?

as for the stickers imma take a look at what i have left and price em based on that

Jan 26, 2010Ironbug

I have size 9's, my brother is a size 10, tb, Id be interested in both, long as the shoes are good condition :)

Jan 26, 2010AnthoFlex

Hey brad, are you anywhere near Toronto, ON?

If you're close enough, I may have a special deal just for you.

The deal will go for anyone who's close by to that area.....Anyone seen Sam? I know he lives like 20 minutes from there

Jan 26, 2010AnthoFlex

yo iron, email me at AnthoFlex@yahoo.com so i can email you some pictures of the express.

Jan 26, 2010AnthoFlex

If i were to set up a small shop site with a cart system and the things I was selling, would that be easier for you guys?

Because i really don't wanna start throwing any of this stuff out, and that's what imma have to do if i don't get rid of it soon

Jan 26, 2010Ironbug

I'm loving that idea 'flex! Definately :)

Jan 26, 2010Brad

Well, I'm in Canada but I'm in BC lmao. So no, not really. But yeah, if you were to open up a shop, I'd cry (among other things) with enjoyment.

Jan 26, 2010AnthoFlex

I don't think i'll set it up if the only people interested are like the 5 people here. Ironbug, i sent you the pic of the size 10 express.

anyone else interested in stickers, posters or express?

Jan 26, 2010AnthoFlex

this stuff has to go by the end of this weekend or im tossing it

Jan 26, 2010sylonbroadsides

Throw it out man?

Well dude I don't wanna buy the size 12 express if Brad or someone needs them. However, don't throw those out dude that'll be a waste.

Give me a call if no one wants them, and only if no one wants them dude.

Jan 26, 2010sylonbroadsides

P.S. Sorry about the bumps, too much spam

Jan 26, 2010Brad

If you got size 12 or 13's I'd gladly take em' off your hands. same goes with stickers and posters.

Jan 26, 2010sylonbroadsides

keep in mind the express size 12 will be slightly smaller than your sylons, HSL has different sizes.

Jan 26, 2010Brad

Yeah, I only try and get 13's so I don't have to worry about my feet getting too big :)

I'm actually a size 12 so it's all good.

Jan 26, 2010JoeS


Sam...Sztuk? If you mean him, im his friend; i go to his school and i hang with him pretty much every weekend now

Jan 27, 2010AnthoFlex

Ask that dude if he still loves me, haha

Jan 27, 2010AnthoFlex

I miss that dude. I might be heading to buffalo in April

Jan 27, 2010Tedd

I might consider buying the shoes.. If I'm reading this right. I need to know what size shoes you have, because I have two friends who are extremely interested.

Jan 27, 2010Tedd

Oh, and a poster as well. I'll send you an email later on today or tomorrow.

Jan 27, 2010AnthoFlex

I have:

Size 8 Express
Size 10 Express
Size 11 Express
Size 12 Express

All have been very slightly used from the XW demos. I'm selling each one for $30, plus $8 shipping.

Posters are $15, plus $3 shipping.

I'll figure out prices for the stickers, I have many many styles

Jan 27, 2010sylonbroadsides

Sam Sam!!!!

Jan 27, 2010Wesker

If you're serious on throwing them out and no one is buying(Can't imagine why), let me know and i'll buy them.

Jan 27, 2010sylonbroadsides

me too bro

Jan 27, 2010Timuukun

Me three. $38 is much more reasonable than what I paid on Ebay for my only pair!

Oh, and I'd like to say hi, too, Antho. I'm stoked to talk to you in "person," as it were.

Jan 27, 2010Timuukun

BTW, those black/orange Expresses from the pic aren't for sale, are they? Some sexy shoes, those.

Jan 27, 2010Brad

Um, is it alright is I can reserve those 12's? I would freaking cry if I had a second pair od grinding shoes.

Jan 27, 2010Revengasaur

I'll take those 11's of your hands for sure Antho. Good to see you around again.

Jan 27, 2010Revengasaur

I'll pay paypal whenever btw so just shoot me an email. My email is just my username@hotmail.com

Jan 27, 2010AnthoFlex

username at hotmail.com?

is that a joke?

The hornet express you see in the pics are not for sale.

Alright, recap:

Revengasaur -size 11
Brad -size 12
Timuukun- size ??

Ok guys, email me with your addresses and the sizes you want, and any posters. I'll throw in some free rare stickers with everyone's order.


I'm not gonna keep checking back here with SG freezing every 10 minutes

Jan 28, 2010Timuukun

Timuukun-size 10

I'll email you.

Thanks so much Antho! And I didn't really expect the hornet expresses to be for sale...just thought I'd try. BTW, what color are the size 10 expresses? I'll buy them regardless, but just curious.

Jan 28, 2010Kooksoaper13

Hey Renny I just noticed
I have that same SMB3 hat haha

Jan 28, 2010Brad

Whoa, those are Expresses? I thought they were Prabas :P

Jan 30, 2010Tedd

Hey, Anthro, you have two size 9's for sale? My friends are size 9 so I need to know how many you have left. I'll send you an email (I'll remember this time) tomorrow with the details.

Jan 30, 2010AnthoFlex

The only size 9 shoe i have to sell is a brand new Yellow Praba, and i'll only let it go for $50

Jan 30, 2010Brad

You still have those 12s right? Sorry I havnt been able t get the monney but im still gonna buy them

Jan 31, 2010AnthoFlex

i still have em

Jan 31, 2010AnthoFlex

whuz good on these posters, no one interested?

Jan 31, 2010Tedd

I am. About to send you an email, never got to chance to until now. I had to work late.

Jan 31, 2010AnthoFlex

I'm trying to give the soapers here the exclusive hookup, but looks like ebay is where these things are gonna go.

Jan 31, 2010Brad

I'm still interested in those posters too, but it's just hell not having any job.

Jan 31, 2010Wesker

What sizes (and how many) do you have left? I'll buy them.

Feb 1, 2010SuperAluigi

Do you only have 1 of each sizes?

Feb 1, 2010sylonbroadsides

yeah post which sizes you got and which posters you have, don't toss 'em man.

Feb 1, 2010AnthoFlex

size 12's and 11's are gone. Yellow Prabas are gone too. Here's whats left:

Size 8 gray express
Size 10 gray express
4 Posters
Massive lot of stickers, all styles...some noone has seen in a WHILE

sylonbroadsides, IM me when you get a chance.

Feb 2, 2010Ironbug

Ina somehwat-offtopic reference, anyone feel these shoes lsihgtly Fallout-y?
Ya know.. sort of.. slowly dwindling... We are sorta fighting for them to survive? Infact, I see us as heroes! :)
Sorry, for the jacking I'll get back to the subject at hand by asking what UK sizes are they?

Feb 2, 2010AnthoFlex

US sizes are up one than UK sizes

US 11 = UK10
US 10 = UK 9

Feb 2, 2010Ironbug

Thanks, very helpful :)

Feb 2, 2010sylonbroadsides

i still need the thing

Feb 2, 2010Kooksoaper13

hey Antho do you have anything in a 13 or 14 if so itd be greatly appreciated

Feb 2, 2010AnthoFlex

hey kook

sorry i don't have any 13's or 14's

Feb 3, 2010Brad

Hey Renny, for the prices is it 38$ right? If I'm canadian do you want more or what?

Feb 3, 2010Kooksoaper13

It's no problem I'm pretty good for now acctually, got some size 14 cleans a bit ago, so im set

Feb 3, 2010blakeashake

hey antho wanna email me a picture of the size 12 expresses?

I def need new shoes!

Feb 5, 2010Tedd

If you have the size 11's Antho, I'll take those off your hands as well. Everyone I know wants them now. Haha. If only HSL knew how much people wanted them again..

Feb 6, 2010Brad

Idk, I have a theory. Once Heelys starts going under they might bring back Soap in a last chance to save the company. And @ Blake, I already got the 12's sorry :(

Feb 6, 2010Tedd

Haha. Nice. Did Antho ship them already? I have 2 12's, a 10, and looking for 9's. Or was it I habve 9's and I'm looking for 10's. I forget. Bloody shoes don't have the sizes on them anywhere. Lol.

Feb 6, 2010Brad

No, he didn't ship them yet. The -sigh- parents still need to pay for them.

Feb 7, 2010Tedd

That sucks. I have a pair of size 12 Expresses waiting for someone, but they're having money issues right now and I don't know their address. Lol. Speaking of which, how about you give me your address Brad? That way, if I ever get shoes for you then I can send them to you. You know my email so send it to me there.

Feb 7, 2010Brad

Thats pretty much exactly what im going through right now lol. And ill tell you what, once you do get some shoes for me then ill give you my address. I'm just a little paranoid, haha.

Feb 7, 2010AnthoFlex

All i got is posters, a size 8 express, and a size 10 express.

Whoever wants them contact me by tonight by email. If you call them on here, i'm putting em on ebay

Feb 8, 2010Tedd

A little worried but, those size 8's aren't the ones we talked about are they? I'd be a bit sad to see them get bought off on eBay. Haha.

Feb 8, 2010AnthoFlex

They aren't gonna be on ebay. The size 8's were already sold, my mistake.

All I got are size 10 express left, and the X factors i put on ebay.

Feb 8, 2010Tedd

Ack! Hey Antho. Lol, didn't expect to see you on here at this time. It's 6 in the morning here and I have work later so I should be going to bed. Haha.

Feb 8, 2010Tedd

Just saw the 10's on eBay. Nice shot, but maybe you could have angled the right shoe to show the side a little more.

Feb 8, 2010sylonbroadsides

Antho are you willing to sell the big O four fathers VHS?

Feb 9, 2010AnthoFlex

i'll take another picture and post it here

@sylonbroadsides: I might, not sure

Feb 14, 2010AnthoFlex

2 posters left

Feb 14, 2010Brad

I'll try and buy one if i can. Btw, I should be buying those expresses from you within the next few days.

Feb 15, 2010Andrew

do you still have any size 9-10?

Feb 16, 2010AnthoFlex

I have a 9.5 X factor up on ebay.

9.5 is kickass, i get the best of both worlds, 9.....and 10, lol

Feb 16, 2010Andrew

yes but doesn't ship to canada

Feb 17, 2010sylonbroadsides

if Antho doesn't have a pair to give you Andrew, I'm selling some soap shoes here:


Just leave me your email at that thread.
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