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where to buy soap shoes
Apr 19, 2006 by bulldogsu5

im looking for a place to buy some ordinance soap shoes but cant find any website with cheap shoes. shiner.co.uk has them for 126 dollars. i aint paying that unless thats how much they really are worth.

Apr 19, 2006mgm

That's pretty much the regular price. I have seen it at every other online store for that much.

Apr 19, 2006Surfaced

What shoe size are you?

If you are a size 9 or above, the price ain't gonna get much better.

Apr 20, 2006AnthoFlex

Dude, honestly......i dun think u'll find those so easily. The only pair of SOaps that i got without having to bust my ass were the Express's.....they have them in 3 colors in all sizes...let me know if u want the link

Apr 22, 2006Spyder

AnthoFlex, would you mind sparing the link? I'm looking for some Soaps as well, and can't find anything at a reasonable price in the US.

Apr 23, 2006James

There are more Soaps then ever(as far as I know)on eBay.Including:Ordnance sizes 9 and 10,Scabs size 7,White Squeekys size 5,And So much more.

Apr 23, 2006Surfaced

Yeah there's a bit of a jump. Like I've said before... I hope it lasts.

Apr 24, 2006mrman

As discussed before, if nobody buys the soap shoes on ebay, the seller often gets discouraged and does not relist. This means that soap shoe is more or less lost forever.

Faceoff with time directly optional to high index. Performance nets regulations which attract abhorance without regard to the most miniscule helicopter.

Apr 25, 2006Primal

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