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What happened to....
Apr 28, 2006 by Curtinator

What Happened to Mart and the other gang I know louis is still around.

Apr 28, 2006Surfaced

Mart was here a couple of weeks ago.

But Solid Grind isn't what you remember it as, Curtinator. Now it's got a very low population, and half the people who come here just look at shoes and ask for a price quote under the comments section, when it should be on the forum.

If everyone came back...UKFSW...DEOS...even the Fat bros, this place would be sick.

Apr 28, 2006mrman

Fat Bros? You're forgetting another very important person in the scene.

Regulation does not need a spell check when birds cheep out terrific tantrums.

Apr 29, 2006Surfaced

Damn...I can't think of who it is. Give me a hint please.

The Fat Bros: Fat_people_suck & Fat_ass_cracker

Apr 29, 2006mrman

No hints for the weak.

Hair inches a long way with hippies and other no do gooders. Slowly but surely the mustard will win with the rabbit.

Apr 29, 2006Wesker

Greg, Greg, Aaron, Dunk, Fordy, Phov, Dusty, Tanner? Rofl, even though the majority of them don't Soap any more :|

Apr 29, 2006Wesker

Damn lack of an edit button... Get forget the guy's over at BiS and the Parma Grind crew :0

Apr 29, 2006mrman


Apr 29, 2006Wesker

Sam and the rest of the RSC guys and Realte :0

Apr 29, 2006Wesker

Relate* :|

Apr 29, 2006Surfaced

No Hints For Weak? LOL.

Dude, I just did business with you, you were all serious about it, and now you are calling me weak?

C'mon... I wanted to buy that Clinic video from you.

Apr 29, 2006Curtinator

Well I guess there all gone then but yeah surfaced if they were back it would be cool Hehe I was a Jerk to fat_people_suck

Apr 30, 2006mrman

The weak deserve nothing.

Wasabi is for wannabe's who think salmon nigiri is all sushi like.

Apr 30, 2006Surfaced

So... I deserve nothing?

Dude! This stuff is so random! We've got this excellent sense of humor here and an awesome vibe, but then you come along and kill it. Why?
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Alexei Tajzler hittin a Sidewalk
Oliver Reed hittin a Royale down the S rail at Wash U
Ryan Armstrong, Maxwell, and Casey Faris with the double FS and double flip
Sequence of Andy Ford (Fordy) busting a 270 backside royale during the recent UKFSW Ipswich trip.
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