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Dude Is this possiable?
May 2, 2006 by Curtinator

Ok my friend is new to soaping he just started yesterday and yesterday he did hard tricks like Cheesegrater and Farf man that is crazy he is better then me. He almost did royale.

May 2, 2006Curtinator

Oops I ment Possible on my topic at the end.

May 2, 2006Surfaced

You saw him do it? If so, it is most likely possible he did those tricks.

May 2, 2006Wesker

Some people catch on faster than others.

May 2, 2006Surfaced

Word. I could pull a Royale after a few days. Can't do Farfs or Cheesegraters though....

May 2, 2006AnthoFlex

HE must have some pretty crazy balance then...thats insane....i can only do frontsides and royals...i guess those are the easiest...i'm not that good but imma get better

May 2, 2006Surfaced

Fastslides aren't too difficult on some rails either. It just seems really intimidating when you are about to go into one, because it's hard to help the thought of flying right on your ass.

May 2, 2006AnthoFlex

Thats actually why i dun fastslide....scary shit dude...like lava...i'm terrified of lava

May 4, 2006Curtinator

Yeah my friend is pretty good.

May 18, 2006stlremz

haha I can do farv's and royals in my sleep...on skates of course. I highly doubt that it's harder to do them in soaps.

May 18, 2006AnthoFlex

whoohoo i learned how to fastslide....i think i meant that i'm terrified of backslides....sorry if i got mixed up
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