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May 3, 2006 by Lemons

Hey guys im relativly new here and i just got my soaps! I was wondering if i could get any help? I tryed i few times, either i'd slip right off or not move. Thanks alot!


May 3, 2006Lemons

BTW the types i got are the gray/orange Ordnances.

May 3, 2006Sugarfree

What type of surface are you trying to grind?

May 3, 2006Lemons

eh, benchs, railing (not high), and i in the process of making a grind bar out-a metal piping...


May 3, 2006AnthoFlex

What are you...Regular or goofy?

Goofy: right foot front
Regular: Left foot front

May 3, 2006Lemons

I can do both, but preferably Regular (i skate board, cant ride switch on that though)


May 3, 2006AnthoFlex

Hmm....i sk8 too but i find it very hard to

do BOTH....but i'm regular like you so

this'll be easier....ok u know how they tell

you to jump and land ur backfoot first on a

rail?....*buzzer EHHHHH wrong! unless if u

mongo....get that front foot on first or else

u'll slide backwards and bust ur head....u

see, us non-mongo regulars cant just land

backfoot first....ay least now me...i hope

this helps...BTW, where do u live Lemons?

May 3, 2006AnthoFlex

i meant "AT least NOT me"

May 3, 2006James

Yeah,a practice rail helps out a lot...When I first baught my soaps I thought I could land anything lol and busted my ass later my friend brougth over his pracice rail and then figured out it was my stance and the way I was landing that was messing me up.

May 4, 2006Louis

well actually, i also ride a skateboard (goofy) and non-mongo. Landing a grind on soapshoes back foot first has nothing to do with if you ride a skateboard mongo or not....infact using soapshoes has nothing to do with skateboarding whatsoever.

As the article on wikipedia says (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soap_shoes) there are advantages and disadvantages to front or back foot first grinds.
Personally i'd recomend to a beginer to start learning front foot first doing frontsides. Try to get the backfoot on almost straight after hitting the rail...Its all about confidence, go in half heartedly and it wont work, but go in with concentration and will power and you'll get it soon enough. Like skateboarding, try and imagine yourself doing it.

May 4, 2006Lemons

Well first of all i live in Western NY and yea, i thought it would be easy so i run right up to a bench jumped on it and my feet slipped right out from under me and busted my elbow! it was kinda funny... Also i got that rail built im doin pretty good on it, but i need a crap load more of practice!!! Thanks!


May 4, 2006Curtinator

Lemons try using candle wax on benches etc whatever your going to grind then that might help cause the wax makes it better to grind.

May 4, 2006AnthoFlex

Yea dude use candle wax.....just not the powder-like readue candles...they'll fuk you up...do u live in NYC? cause i live in queens, maybe we oculd go chill sumtime..aight Antho-out

May 4, 2006Lemons

I got some skate wax and that works real good. I live like near Buffalo like way up west. Would you prefer candle wax over skate wax?


May 4, 2006Wesker

Skate wax works better than Candle wax, but i'd use either one.

May 4, 2006blakeashake

lemmons i live in buffalo do u no of anywhere to buy soap shoes? i've been looking but havnt found any.

May 4, 2006AnthoFlex

Sk8 or Candle wax....same shit...Sk8 wax is a BIT better....a BIT....as for you Blakeashake, (funnie name btw) get them on the internet or check ur local Pacsun or Journeys....or even a sk8 shop....if those Pacsun dudes laugh at you like they did to me....punch them the fuck out and run
Me- Do you sell Soap shoes here?
ME- Gee....thanx a lot u fucking bitch
PacSun Guy- ANytime..
Me- Fuck you...(walks away)

May 5, 2006Lemons

Yea dude, just use the internet, easiest way! But i'd go ebay, speciallty shops can cost a shit load but if you get um on ebay get them new! One its kinda gross if ya dont and 2 they might send you a pair with broken plates or the key missing (the key unscrews the plates if you get new ones), but what ever your choice.


May 6, 2006Wesker

Antho, if you think it's a "bit" better then you must be using some bad Skate Wax.

May 6, 2006AnthoFlex

lmao....i never had sk8 wax....but my friends have...i really couldnt tell the difference cause it was in my "early days" of Soaping when i was even afriad just to step on a rail
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