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May 4, 2006 by blakeashake

this is a sit that has shoes
it does ship to the U.S. too

May 5, 2006AnthoFlex

Good work Robbin...now! to the Batcave! LMAo jus kidding dude...nice work....u get the newbie kickass award...which doesnt make you a newbie anymore so i'll just take that award back...lmao

May 5, 2006AnthoFlex

i misspelled Robin....wow

May 5, 2006blakeashake

lol thanx i feel special and loved jk

May 6, 2006SapAuthor

it sucks they are out of stock :( But i learned of Royal air, which takes the 70 shipping cost down to 25 for anything from UK, so we can now buy shoes from the UK with only a 25 buck shipping fee, yayz!

May 6, 2006AnthoFlex

WTF!?! so that meant i'll end up paying 37 dollars for plates? fuck that

May 7, 2006Curtinator

Damnit its from UK to much money to fucking ship.

May 7, 2006SapAuthor

plates i'm not sure, they are ligther, check www.royalmail.com <- that's the shipping service, you can check the cost for international based on weight.

May 7, 2006blakeashake

how do u ge 70 dollar shipping

May 7, 2006SapAuthor

70 is what it would cost to ship to any internatinal place, but from UK to US (and only in that direction) the shipping cost is cut by 25 percent thanks to Royal Air, UK's personal itnerantioanl shipper that does it for way less.

May 8, 2006blakeashake

on funkysk8 it says it costs 8 euros

May 8, 2006blakeashake

Hi there
Is this for a pair of shoes?
We ship them to US for +8 UK Pounds by Recorded Air Mail.
8 uk pounds is like $15

May 8, 2006SapAuthor

actually, i contacted them, they said 6 uk pounds, and if you want to go internation an additional 8, so a total of 14 uk pounds for a little over 25 bucks.

May 8, 2006blakeashake

did u e-mail them or call

May 8, 2006SapAuthor

email, why?

May 12, 2006blakeashake

who did u talk to. was it chris?

May 13, 2006SapAuthor

i don't remember, why?

May 13, 2006blakeashake

cuz who ever u talked to lied to u it is only 8 euro shipping which equals 15 dollars

May 13, 2006SapAuthor

are u sure? Because i looked at royal air, and a 3.5 lb package overseas through air costs 16 UK pounds, more like 25 bucks
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