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This site is done
Mar 12, 2010 by blakeashake

I hate to say it but i think SG is dying. RIP

Mar 12, 2010Brad

Well, there's still a community (yeah it's small, but it's still there damnit!) So I think that as long as that's there, then the site stays alive. It's just the spam dude, don't let it get to you. The spirit of SOAP is still here, we just gotta embrace it for what it is. Crippled and abandoned.

Mar 12, 2010CheElmo

It's quite annoying really, 'cause i've entered this community pretty late. I hadn't heard of SOAP until a few years ago when i bought Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. And only 2 months ago I just got a pair of SOAPs (I still haven't had the time to do any soaping yet :`( )
And these spambots don't help either.

Mar 12, 2010sylonbroadsides

what the hell is all this shit

Mar 12, 2010iwantsoapshoes

Well, at least we can be happy that this site will continue to take $50 a month out of broox's account for the rest of his life.

Mar 12, 2010sylonbroadsides

Unless he deletes it man, which he probably will.

Mar 13, 2010Brad

Idk, I think he still cares about Soap. He just put out a video of him and someone else dicking around with deck decks in his office and right behind him is a big ass soap banner. Look up deck deck dorks 2 if you wanna see.

Mar 13, 2010Kooksoaper13

no, he said the vid was from a couple years back though

Mar 13, 2010Brad

Oh yeah.


Mar 14, 2010Kooksoaper13

oh wells

Mar 14, 2010blakeashake

Dude i've put up with the spam for way to long anyone who was around back in like 06 would prolly agree with me.

Mar 14, 2010sylonbroadsides

blake, you're just giving in to him is all what you're doing. Suck it up man.
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Derek Brooks hittin a Makio across the newspaper stand
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James Spino and Loren Dallabetta hittin a Double Frontside
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