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Wisconsin heelys demos?
May 24, 2006 by onthegrindduude

Hey guys im on team heelys as well as one of my friends and we were really curios when the upcoming heelys demos are. If you know any plz post as many as you can. It would be very appreciated. plz post if you know

May 24, 2006onthegrindduude

hey i really want to know when they are and im sure many people are. Plz post any new wisconsin heelys demos.

May 24, 2006Mart

If you were on the Heelys team, they would tell you when there are going to be demos in your area. Stop being a twat

May 24, 2006AnthoFlex

Dude if you were on the Heely's team, wouldnt they let u know FIRST? i mean...thats what being part of the team is about

May 24, 2006AnthoFlex

Holy crap....mart said the same thing before me. Sorry Mart, i didnt read ur comment but i agree.

May 24, 2006Surfaced

Ya AJ, or whatever your name is, stop being such a douche. You aren't on the official sponsored Team Heelys.

May 24, 2006AnthoFlex

LMAO! BUSTED! come on AJ, we all kool here....but dunt lie, thats not kool....just keep on with the hard work then you'll get sponsered...like me...NO NO i meant i'm working on it, i'm not sponsered yet...lolz dunt get the wrong idea...lolz XP

May 25, 2006SapAuthor

i have one comment. Why are you blabbing about supposedly being on Team Heely? This site is for SOAP shoes, not Heeleys. I don't care of heeley bought SOAP out, SOAPs are still seperate shoes.

May 25, 2006Surfaced

Actaully, Trevor... this site is for both Soap and Heelys shoes. Pretty much all grind-shoes to be accurate.

May 25, 2006Mart

There's no 'pretty' about it, this site is for all grind shoes

Also, Trevor, Derek did mention in a news article about the upcoming Heely demos so it would be fair to discuss it on the forum too

May 25, 2006SapAuthor

oh, okay, nm then, i retract my statement.

May 25, 2006AnthoFlex

Its ok man, we all make mistakes
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