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Blue/Rust Scabs
May 28, 2006 by Surfaced

Woke up and checked eBay this morning... the Go2Crew has listed 2 pairs of Scabs, one of which is Blue with Rusty Gold. I don't recall this being produced. Anyone?

May 28, 2006Louis

im pretty sure that was a production model as, far as i can remember, unless i just remember seeing a photo of them back in the day. A kinda pale blue with a brown bit.......check the shoes listing on this site, there isnt a photo but it mentions them.

May 28, 2006Surfaced

Ah, the Cheer Blue. Damn. I got served...

May 28, 2006AnthoFlex

Oh wow, i've never seen that color before...look kinda weird but i would get them, if they were a size 10

May 29, 2006Curtinator

Ive seen that colour before.

May 29, 2006Curtinator

Also theres these size 14 soaps on ebay.
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